BWAHAHA, sorry, but yeah. "Get in your car and drive" is easy when you live in the U.K. A "long-distance" is what? a two hour drive there? Here in the states it gets you to the next county, or if you're in Texas, the next town over
I'm all for getting out and looking (and that entails sometimes a two or three day commitment--or longer if you're driving from Fla./Texas/points west to the Nationals in Rochester where the best of the best will be all in one place for a couple of days). Shopping around is a very very good thing to do. Some folks make a destination trip to Bjorn's...However, the vast majority of people in the U.S. are NOT within a two or even four hour drive of something like Bjorn's or Ryan's place. You can sift through endless landscape nurseries for years and come up with maybe two or three really good trees, but that's a time-consuming process. I gave that up years ago after selling off the dozens of mediocre trees that came from those sources.
I get the resistance to buying from people like Bjorn or Ryan. If you don't like it, don't buy it. I have a feeling anyone considering one of those is probalby very aware of what is available locally to them...However, Some feel the need to criticize endlessly about why it's not worth it, they can get better for less, and on and on and on....This resistance always comes up whenever a thread like this is posted. It's mostly stating the blindly obvious--SURE you can shop around (anyone with any sense does), SURE you can get cheaper stuff (all of us have it). That's not really news, is it?
All of that is not really the point in posting about sales like this. It's about seeing what is available from some of the "big names" in bonsai. Simple as that.
Yeah, you can get cheaper, locally if you look around (And congrats if you do, but sometimes deals/low prices can be blinders). Sometimes-- SOMETIMES--what you find is even in the same ball park (but mostly it ain't, no matter the bitching that it is). I don't plan on buying any tree from Bjorn or Ryan.
I just like looking at what they're offering.
FWIW (and I've said this before) I think most of the stuff posted for sale is at the far end of the pricing scale for what it is. However, I also understand that looking at pics online can be extremely misleading. My opinion might change if I had more info (specific photos) or better than that, seeing it in person.