Eisei-En summer sale

When I am ready, I will schedule a road trip to Bjorn's place and see if there is any tree I want to buy and take home. I buy tree by feel. It is much easier to make decision once I am right in front of the tree.
I highly suggest you do so sooner rather than later…
See this is just silly, I didnt even bother reading the other paragraphs. Most people have seen my stuff around here, didnt think I would have to link a progression thread too. Goes back to what I said about most things flying over peoples heads. Btw thats after 3 years development. ffs too busy waffling
I’m glad that you could finally admit that you misrepresented that photo. As I said before, that’s extremely disingenuous and invalidates your argument. Your pathetic attempt to blame me for your lies and your further attempts to gaslight are noted and dismissed.
Well moving past the guy who cant get enough of hearing himself talk... I'm quite surprised the three trunk Chinese Quince hasn't sold yet, its quite affordable and if not for the lack of shipping I would've beseeched the house fiduciary committee for a motion to approve. Oh well, I need more pots than I do trees right now anyways! ;)

This one is my favorite of the under $10k trees. Still well beyond my reach financially, but it’s fun to dream anyway.
Rocky Mountain Juniper #3
I love the light and spacious feeling of the deadwood on that, surprisingly cohesive for what an expressionist piece of material it is. Generally I'm more of a fan of keeping the original foliage on a tree, but for most consumers that Itoigawa is going to push it to the next level.
I love the light and spacious feeling of the deadwood on that, surprisingly cohesive for what an expressionist piece of material it is. Generally I'm more of a fan of keeping the original foliage on a tree, but for most consumers that Itoigawa is going to push it to the next level.
I’m a sucker for great deadwood like that. I’ll probably never have a fantastic juniper yamadori like that unless I go on a collecting trip someday and get really lucky. But, I’ve got plans to make some juniper tanuki. That’s going to have to suffice for me.
If you have the outlay, there is nothing wrong with paying for the effort/work someone else has put in. Again though, to my eye the rest of the tree has not much to offer. Its just a broomstick with a great nebari.
Bobby, the fact that some of these maples have not sold yet basically proves your point that maybe the prices were not the best on the deciduous. They have great bases and potential but like you said, the canopy needs work. The fat Trident Maple made from a batch of fuzed seedlings sold for just a bit more which I think was better value, hence it sold in the first day.
Bobby, the fact that some of these maples have not sold yet basically proves your point that maybe the prices were not the best on the deciduous. They have great bases and potential but like you said, the canopy needs work. The fat Trident Maple made from a batch of fuzed seedlings sold for just a bit more which I think was better value, hence it sold in the first day.
Thats a fantastic specimen! one major difference with that and the others, is it has history, you can see it being worked in older videos, so it had admirers, it also looks exceptional with and without leaves. It was the only one with naked pics included and thats a big selling point.
if not for the lack of shipping I would've beseeched the house fiduciary committee for a motion to approve.
This made me laugh, I'm glad you and your husband run a household based on proper parliamentary procedure.

I see a lot of posts on here in the spirit of "don't tell my wife what I spent on this!!" and they always weird me out a little, tho most are a joke.

Good find on the tree though. I imagine the demand for lower end trees without shipping is very different than the higher end ones. But if I lived in Tennessee...
$125 Stewartia material from a garden centre. They keep telling us this 'type of material isnt available around here'..... As I said, you just need to put in the ground work. Already over the winter ive been to one of my 'go to' tree nurseries twice and bought nothing, found nothing.

"I looked for this tree 10 times before I could find it" "Get out of the amazon prime mindset"
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