How do you back bud a blue spruce?

I will post my updates in this forum. Pictures too. I am not going away. You seem to think I know nothing of bonsai and growing trees. It is not rocket science.
We have no idea what you know, but I can tell you this with certainty - the way you've come on to the forum, the things you've said and questions you've asked, definitely give the impression that you don't know very much about bonsai, or what it takes to turn a seedling into a bonsai (hint, it takes a lot of care and work over many years, especially if you plan to turn those seedlings into trees that people will "come from near and far" to see). If you haven't seen it, get a copy of Bill Valavanis' book, he documents trees that he's been developing for up to 40 or 50 years. Many of those masterpiece trees started not as seedlings, but as large trees with good sized trunks that were then cut down and developed. So it is really a long term process, add on all the years it took initially to get those large trunks to the detailed branch development that came later. And trees in the field must have periodic root work done or they'll have lousy root systems and they won't "sell themselves". Talk about time and energy, digging up thousands of seedlings every year, working the roots, and re-planting.

And by the way, despite the reputation this place has for "fireworks", people generally don't respond the way they have here to someone who comes on with a better attitude. Milehigh's suggestion to think before posting is good advice, your posts come across as rushed/poorly thought out at best. Or possibly, in the end you are really just trolling here for responses, that's what I thought initially and you haven't yet done anything to change my mind.
I can really feel the "love and respect" in the following quote from you.

"Its like they're either dumb or lazy." ~Serloco

Who exactly are you loving and respecting there? Maybe I'm to dumb and lazy to realize the target of your adulation. Anyway, back to watching...

This one too!
Aw, you poor baby. I see you are throwing a tantrum.. Don't worry it will be ok.
I swear that was a reincarnation of woodland spirit.
Its far better for good people to support each other's dreams then to try to shoot them down.
I will say, I answered your question,, IMMEDIATELY.
And Ill admit I didn't mean 50 years until you train, but until you have some decent bonsai to sell.
You said you've been in the nursery business for 10 yrs. Im assuming you didn't start when you were born. So you'll be pretty damn old before those seedlings are true bonsai. Don't forget, things grow quicker here, and I know several people who've trained in Japan with masters, and has been doing bonsai for 40 years plus, and every single one says to start seeds for your children to train, and grandchildren to refine and enjoy.

It is not rocket science.

That's offensive - to some people(like me) this is more then just collecting tree's. It's art, passion, life, everything to you. And yes science is involved in many aspects of bonsai. The years it take someone to be a master swords man , you would just insult them by saying something that rude?

I am not going away.
You guys are losers. I am outta here.

I'm confused?
Losers? Yep!
But losers with BADASS trees!
And a whole network of more BADASS trees at a dollar or trades reach, sometimes just gifted!
If you were a pinch smarter... You would be growing WEED! And not wasting your time doing what the "losers" have been MAKING $$$$ at for hundreds of years!
You smell like you have been skat'n around the stink rink with your suckers squealing studs of puddness!
Oh, the name of your company... Just guessing. PRESTIGE INTERNATIONAL.. WORLDWIDE!
Boats and Hos... Brendan:)
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Thanks for pointing that out @Giga !


The similarities between growing trees for conservation and growing trees for bonsai end at planting the seed.

Which is where you are....with your trees and your plan it seems.

I couldn't stop thinking of that while trimming dead kindling out of my yard spruce.

Now I have sap on my arm.
But my garage will not catch fire.

I'll let you know if it backbuds!

That's offensive - to some people(like me) this is more then just collecting tree's. It's art, passion, life, everything to you. And yes science is involved in many aspects of bonsai. The years it take someone to be a master swords man , you would just insult them by saying something that rude?

I'm confused?

Well we have already established that he does not think things through... His own words not mine... :-) See how much fun this is???
@Serloco ????
Come play with us!
No quiting!

LOL I knew it was you!
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