How do you back bud a blue spruce?

LOL this is turning into a massive shit throwing showdown!

Meh. This one doesn't even register among most of the truly epic shit storm threads here at Bnut. Honestly, I don't understand the hate here, either. The world is a better place with more bonsai sources, right? If this guy is half as good as he says he is, there will be an epic shift in bonsai material available to canucks in southern Ontario in the next 10-20 years. If not, this thread will quietly die and never be updated. I know where I'll put my money...
Yeah sure, but you dont even understand that i am partially color blind. I can see colours but can not distinguish them apart from some colors. Blue and purple are difficult for me to tell the difference from. That is why I said the Ghost was purple because I thought it was.

Fair enough. My apologies.
I will post my updates in this forum. Pictures too. I am not going away. You seem to think I know nothing of bonsai and growing trees. It is not rocket science.
It's like Simon Cowell, some think he is a dick but in reality why waste your life trying to be a performer when it is just not in the cards? Some would call shooting straight nice.
I can really feel the "love and respect" in the following quote from you.

"Its like they're either dumb or lazy." ~Serloco

Who exactly are you loving and respecting there? Maybe I'm to dumb and lazy to realize the target of your adulation. Anyway, back to watching...
Yeah it was a lil harsh and that is why i apologized for that comment. It wasn't thought out.
So you are saying that you are at best inconsistent with your "love and respect" and that your actions are not thought out? Now we come full circle... all people are trying to tell you is that your actions (at least the actions you claim are true ) are poorly thought out. Your friends here at the Nut House are doing you a favor just like Simon Cowell. You would do well to thank them. :-)
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