I suppose so, I just really don't understand the point of forcing trees that have no reason being inside to fight to survive.
Said the guy with a houseful of Ficus in fancy grow-boxes.
I suppose so, I just really don't understand the point of forcing trees that have no reason being inside to fight to survive.
Hello Austin.. In regards to dwarfing plants by exposing them to harsh conditions. There are some horticultural facts you need to know. Although harsh conditions like with holding water, lack of light and other harsh conditions dwarf a plant. In nature, this is not a 1 or 2 season process. In nature, this can create nice bonsai material naturally over a period of 30-50 or even 100 years. Also, in bonsai culture, you never deprive a young plant of what it needs. The tree needs to be feed well, given lots of light and care. Then when the tree is strong and more mature, then it is ready to begin it's bonsai training.
One more important bit of information. Depriving a tree of what it needs to create certain characteristics, is somewhat outdated. Today we have time framed and specific pruning techniques for that.
Said the guy with a houseful of Ficus in fancy grow-boxes.
Yes but that's because Ficus can't live out in the cold!
I just feel if anyone actually read half of what I posted they would all ready have the picture of what I'm attempting, I started with understanding the basics, then went on to this wintering project, and I presented the information on the wintering project assuming everyone what aware of the basics and the fact that basics can't be ignored hence why they are basic (base)
and neither can leafed-out broadleaf trees when it's 20 below!
If they weren't indoors in the first place it wouldn't be an issue
Austin... You could save yourself a lot of years of failed experiments and dead trees by researching and talking to Jerry Meislik.
Austin... You could save yourself a lot of years of failed experiments and dead trees by researching and talking to Jerry Meislik. He is a master of growing bonsai indoors and has been doing it for probably about 30 years. He has already done the research, the trial and error and has reached concrete conclusions. He will probably be able to tell you the outcomes of all your experiments. In doing so, you will save some trees, save yourself time and can start studying bonsai so you can begin actually doing bonsai. I believe Jerry has books, articles and much information available on his sites. In my opnion, he is very respected when it comes to this subject. I would like to mention that I believe he grows trees inside because he has to. This is due to his location.
If I'm not mistaken, all of Jerry's trees are tropicals and don't require a real dormant period.
Jerry Mielsek grows tropicals indoors. The guy who does the non-tropicals indoors is Jack Wikle. You can google him to find some information, I don't have the website at hand (but believe there is a link from Jerry's site).
Jack had a number of trees at the Rochester Exhibition in 2010. One of his Shohin displays featured a boxwood, juniper, firethorn, cypress, and 2 cotoneasters. According to the exhibition album, all had been grown indoors under fluorescent lighting year round. I've been told that he has some junipers that have been growing this way for many years (decades, perhaps).
Not saying it's easy, and not all plants will work...but some non-tropicals can be grown indoors if you get the conditions right.
Edit to add - link to Wikle article:
Austin... You could save yourself a lot of years of failed experiments and dead trees by researching and talking to Jack Wikle. ...
Jerry Mielsek grows tropicals indoors. The guy who does the non-tropicals indoors is Jack Wikle. ...
The secret to growing very healthy tropicals is a dormant period, though not an extreme one. I think, if I remember reading his information correctly years ago. I believe he keeps his tropicals in the 50's for a couple/few months out of the year. However, you would have to ask him about the exact temps. Also, I know that he has experimented with juniper and azalea over the years. He would be able to tell you what his results were with those species.
"and I wanted to see how well a tree dug up in the fall would bounce back, turns out as long as you get enough of the root system with it it will no problem"
Big, wrong assumption...At this point making this leap is premature at best. Make it NEXT winter...or even better the following. This kind of thing really can't be measured in weeks or days.