Imperial Masterpiece
All I can say is there are only two rules:Here is my December update. Tree is doing well. Today it is basking in the 65 degree weather we are having here in December !!It is still growing and putting out new leaves....
I would like to ask if any part of the challenge for next year involves putting the tree into a bonsai pot.
If so I think it would be best to inform us of that now so we have time to look for an appropriate pot.
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Rule #1: Participants can seek advice at workshops, from this forum (or other forums), other enthusiasts, a Bonsai Master or wherever and whomever they wish. The only stipulation is the work must be accomplished or assisted by the participant. In other words, you cannot just turn your tree over to someone for them to do the work.
Rule #2: Since this is a Bonsai Nut Challenge, participants must post updates at a minimum of every 90 days on the forum.
Mine will be going into a bonsai pot in the Spring. If yours isn't in a bonsai pot by the end of the challenge you probably won't win. I hope that helps.