2015 BSC (Box Store Challenge) Update Thread

Here is my up-date after: a first pruning, wiring, a second pruning, removing the wires.
Up-date July-2015.JPG
It's getting there. Thanks for the update.

Well I actually don't know where it's getting :(
Since the picture we had a heat wave, I water it with regular tap water and its leaves are turning something really shi...
So i don't know, it has some new buds but it also has some dead or close to be leaves... I put it in the shade and now I'm just hopping for the best. :confused:
Well I actually don't know where it's getting :(
Since the picture we had a heat wave, I water it with regular tap water and its leaves are turning something really shi...
So i don't know, it has some new buds but it also has some dead or close to be leaves... I put it in the shade and now I'm just hopping for the best. :confused:
Is it in full sun?
I placed mine on the bench and realized 2 weeks later it was hidden behind larger trees and never got watered. So I'll have to withdraw as my holly did not survive my mistake.
So do we need to wait until after August 1st for our "official update"??
So do we need to wait until after August 1st for our "official update"??
Not really; as long as there is an update posted before the end of August. I would caution everyone that your update photos will be compiled for Mr. Pall when he judges your final work in September of next year. With that, he regards the quality of the photography as a highly important aspect of the challenge.
Not really; as long as there is an update posted before the end of August. I would caution everyone that your update photos will be compiled for Mr. Pall when he judges your final work in September of next year. With that, he regards the quality of the photography as a highly important aspect of the challenge.

So the up-dates posted now are counted as official, right?
Ok then here is my official update for my update ;)

July 20, 2015. Just letting it grow, soak up the sun and be happy.

I am amazed at the difference between my May 31st picture and this one about 2 months later.

Here's my update:

I'll have to save the great photography for later shots. I'm getting more growth, including a vigorous shoot right where I was hoping for a vigorous shoot on the right. I hate the base now, though, and am seriously considering a ground layer.


  • 2015-08-02 20.00.50.jpg
    2015-08-02 20.00.50.jpg
    340.8 KB · Views: 60
Duranta Final.jpg IMG_4816.JPG Here is my update on my Duranta. I've just been letting it grow out and then I cut back every now and then. I realized during this contest that I don't really know what I'm doing with non conifer evergreens but hopefully I can rally before the end of the contest. My biggest question is whether or not to keep the secondary trunk. I think the first few inches are just too straight and could make a decent tree without it. Feel free to give your opinion on the second trunk or any other advice. Not sure exactly where I'm going yet but at least the tree is healthy and growing.
Mr. Pall was correct when he said about my entry: “This will look as it does now forever”. I think this variety of Acacia cognata grows a couple of inches per year so the only dramatic changes you’ll see with my Cousin Itt is when he gets his perfect container. I’m thinking slab with the tree on a mound, maybe.

Itt was a bit sparse so I’ve been working to get more interior foliage. Coming along nicely, sprouts here and there.


  • Cousin Itt Aug 2015 (920x1024).jpg
    Cousin Itt Aug 2015 (920x1024).jpg
    175.1 KB · Views: 46
Here’s the August update for my Castillemon. As you can tell by the photos it grew like crazy over the past few months. Initially, I wired it with copper but because of the rapid growth it dug into the branches quite a bit in some places. The copper was cut off about two months ago and this time around I used aluminum. I wrapped it loosely and with long coils. I haven’t addressed the Jin yet and the branches are really only wired to keep them weeping. Can't wait until Spring so I can get it into the pot I bought for it!

Bottlebrush 1.JPG

After a little wiring for shape:
Bottlebrush 3.JPG

..and the ugly jin; but I have a plan ;):
Bottlebrush 4.JPG
Also, for those participating in this leg of the challenge, you only have until August 31st to post your update. If you don't post an update you will not be able to continue in the challenge. Here is a list of those that posted an update and met the requirement:

Eric Group

If for some reason I missed your name just let me know. As hard as it to believe, I'm not perfect. :rolleyes:
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