What We Learned About Bonsai Since John Naka

If there was one book on bonsai where you were given the choice in order to suirvive and grow, without any other outside influence, it would be Yoshimura book. Published in 1957, the year I started trying to do bonsai. You will find more basic questions addressed in this book than any other. It ain't fancy but it gets the job done.

Are you talking about this book?

That's the one.
That's the book. It has probably been printed at least in four different formats. I have not seen the newer one but the original blew my mind having never seen a good bonsai before. I first met the man in a club setting back in 1965.
$5 + free shipping on ebay
Mine is an older cover but that's ok.
The book I have has quite an extensive index of trees and how they can be treated. Great guideline for getting ideas about how particular trees or families of trees can be treated.
@Bonsai Nut

Maybe you should opt to put "more responsible" users into position of moderators. It's well within your admin privileges on a BB Code forum. Everyone knows that one person can't moderate a board alone. Hold a poll. Simple as that. If you want, I could show you what buttons to click in your admin resource page. I used to be a Super Moderator on a Sony PSP Hacking forum, I'm familiar how it works.
Do you still do your blog?
You have a lot of talent and a dream job and climate for Tropicals.
I would like to see more of your efforts.
All I can grow here are indoor Tropicals.
I could be one of your best clients- you could sell many trees my direction.
You never know who is paying attention.

Not to be rude, but what exactly have I been selling? I have to have a product to have clients.

As far as the blog, no. For multiple reasons. I work 50hrs, 6 days a week, and have another 20hrs of work to do with my own trees...I simply don't have time. Also, my fingers cramp up too much from working the keys. And then there is all of the negative response with no benefit, so what's the point? Rather focus on doing bonsai versus writing about it.
I realize that some poeple get torqued but in general we do pretty good around here. Knowing that every time someone goes running home to Mama the hammer is not going to fall eventually the site does pretty good at moderating itself. Those that troll find there are no fish in the pond and they go away, those who are just out to "get someone" are generally outed and they go away and sometimes people just go away. In all more people come here than leave. Those who stay will find much they can learn here.
I would expect you to know this but how many others your age and younger know, and more importantly and sadly,---care?

That's because there's so many authors anf professionals regurgitating information that the real master's work is called "out dated".
Not to be rude, but what exactly have I been selling? I have to have a product to have clients.

As far as the blog, no. For multiple reasons. I work 50hrs, 6 days a week, and have another 20hrs of work to do with my own trees...I simply don't have time. Also, my fingers cramp up too much from working the keys. And then there is all of the negative response with no benefit, so what's the point? Rather focus on doing bonsai versus writing about it.
@Bonsai Nut

Maybe you should opt to put "more responsible" users into position of moderators. It's well within your admin privileges on a BB Code forum. Everyone knows that one person can't moderate a board alone. Hold a poll. Simple as that. If you want, I could show you what buttons to click in your admin resource page. I used to be a Super Moderator on a Sony PSP Hacking forum, I'm familiar how it works.

I am very aware of how to create moderators. Sadly, I have yet to find a moderated forum that does not take on the personalities of the moderators. What content is allowed? What content is not allowed? I will edit out truly offensive content, and ban people when necessary, but I hesitate when people are venting or arguing because I am tired of the constant 'political correctness' that is overwhelming communication. My limits are pretty broad... while at the same time giving people the power to self-moderate via an easy ignore feature. I am fascinating by people who say they are offended by someone's content... and then continue to seek it out and read it... but want ME to do something about it. So I prioritize:

(1) Spam. If you are a spammer assume instaban.
(2) Porn. Likewise.
(3) Personal attacks. Depends on the content and extent. If people are just arguing and calling each other idiots, I usually let it go because BOTH PARTIES are engaging and BOTH PARTIES have the power to end it at any time via ignore. I draw the line at threats, or over-the-top character assassination like degrading images.
(4) Questionable Content. I finally had to remove the religion/politics/anything goes forum because it was generating too much ill will. The off-topic forum I lightly moderate to keep the tone more or less positive.

Note - I have plenty of tools to deal with trouble-makers if necessary. I just don't like to use them. I come from a big family. We will often argue. But we love each other and within 15 minutes will be laughing together again. I hope to create a similar environment here. When people get moderated every time they raise a controversial opinion, or disagree with a position, I find it tends to squash discussion and you end up with a forum of drones where everyone agrees with each other. If you want to post about a subject and want to control the discussion around it, create an article - and you can moderate what people say about it - or whether you want any conversation about it AT ALL.
That's because there's so many authors anf professionals regurgitating information that the real master's work is called "out dated".

You wrote: And then there is all of the negative response with no benefit, so what's the point? Rather focus on doing bonsai versus writing about it.

There's the conundrum? If you are just going to just do bonsai why would you want to do that? Just do bonsai. What does it matter and who cares, and why do you, and if you do why would you not want to share it. Bonsai is after all a visual art form enjoyable only by observation. I would like to have that explained to me knowing someone who has done just that and ----- I don't know what the hell he is doing now--- if anything. Have though about it myself a couple of times in the wake of the kind of criticism I have been known to attract.

If you are not getting negative response you're not making any contribution. You're just adding to the same pile of shit. Any time you advocate change or something different you will get a response and some of that response will be negative. Usually if you are doing something right and if you wait, and continue doing what you have been doing, you will see your direction. That direction is not to go and hide.
Ever notice that I only post in the Off-Topic boards or seldomly I'll post in the tropical section? I can't begin to explain how many times I've been "corrected" by indoor tropical tree growers. Anything goes in the Off-Topic boards, I don't troll any other board.
Perhaps if you feel the need to have another adult watch your actions because you can't control yourself or be a reasonable member of a community, you should find a different hang-out.

Really? My only job on this planet is supposed to be to moderate a bonsai forum full-time? That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. It takes two to flame and troll. If you don't like what someone has to say... put them on ignore and you never have to deal with them again. Nothing worse than people complaining about flaming... by flaming.

That said, you have plenty of value to offer this group. Why focus on the negative? Life is too short...

[EDIT] FYI if people don't know how to put someone on 'ignore', just click on their name, and you will see it as the 4th option... Two clicks is all it takes to ignore someone and not see their posts. You can always turn the option off later, if you desire.[/EDIT]
Have to go with B-Nut on this one....
Been down this road and it doesn't work. I also am coming to terms with the fact that this is what is the biggest problem I see with American Bonsai. To much in fighting an devisiviness. We need to come together.

Everyone has something to offer. I suggest doing the story, because very few people know much about Jim Smith, yet he is probably one of the best artist in the country. Many folks abroad understand this, yet no one knows his name here. There are more books written about his art from folks overseas. In fact, silly as it may seem seeing he is practically in our backyard, this is how I first heard of him in a book written by an English gentleman.

I suggest what I did because you are working on and helping to restore a lot of his art. I think some humbling is order. Working b to restore is not the sane as doing. With that said, you have an awesome opportunity to learn and perfect your art through the process. And an awesome opportunity to share the knowledge you gain a long the way. We need to work together and pull resources from all aspects of our community if we are ever going to overcome the hurdles of being many centuries late to the game of doing bonsai.
I have seen the agenda of moderators ruin and or destroy a forum, at least two I know of. Bonsai Talk and Bonsai Chat, I believe the names correct.
I believe that Stacey has hit a very valad point. On one hand we complain about there being no identifiable American bonsai but we still cling like a barnacle to the underside of an old tuna boat to the standards from Japan. We complain about them but we embrace them as well. It's almost like an addiction, like when I used to smoke. I complained that everything I did and everywhere I went was dominated by my smoking and my access to it, and I wished I could quite but the weight was too great. Till four years ago, when I finally broke free.
Al, this needs to go in your Vance quotes :)
BNut is doing a perfectly fine job. We don't need a mod, for the most part. If a discussion gets heated, that's fine, some good info is still imparted. If you get way off track, you are directed to the next train out of here. I've never seen anything worse than a few flames shot back and forth.
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