Things that drive me crazy about bonsai people

People exaggerating the spiritual thing saying things about bonsai like "it's so zen" or "it gives me peace".
I laugh at that kind of thing. It just shows they have never really actually done bonsai. It's mostly the exact opposite of zen--and it CAN be peaceful, as much as it can be anxiety-inducing, labor intensive and sometimes violent (if you're using a chainsaw to collect a tree or reduce a trunk) or ripping a branch off to create a jin. 😁
I laugh at that kind of thing. It just shows they have never really actually done bonsai. It's mostly the exact opposite of zen--and it CAN be peaceful, as much as it can be anxiety-inducing, labor intensive and sometimes violent (if you're using a chainsaw to collect a tree or reduce a trunk) or ripping a branch off to create a jin. 😁
My wife was laughing at me as I was on the corner using a handsaw and cursing up a storm trying to saw off a thick branch while avoiding damaging other branches...she said " I thought Bonsai was supposed to be Zen and peaceful" lol
My wife was laughing at me as I was on the corner using a handsaw and cursing up a storm trying to saw off a thick branch while avoiding damaging other branches...she said " I thought Bonsai was supposed to be Zen and peaceful" lol
My wife has garnered the grace to gently shake her head or roll her eyes. It is a subtle message but well received nonetheless.
My wife was laughing at me as I was on the corner using a handsaw and cursing up a storm trying to saw off a thick branch while avoiding damaging other branches...she said " I thought Bonsai was supposed to be Zen and peaceful" lol
My wife makes sure she is not in the house during repotting season because of the cursing. 😁
My wife makes sure she is not in the house during repotting season because of the cursing. 😁
She is a keeper. My bonsai area is the detached garage. So far, I haven't been able to work on any trees inside the house. Repotting.... not going to happen, period.
I laugh at that kind of thing. It just shows they have never really actually done bonsai. It's mostly the exact opposite of zen--and it CAN be peaceful, as much as it can be anxiety-inducing, labor intensive and sometimes violent (if you're using a chainsaw to collect a tree or reduce a trunk) or ripping a branch off to create a jin. 😁
Or carving the trunk and your carver bit jumped onto you!
WHen people just do not listen when I tell them the sashi-eda on their Boohnsais is not worthy and they better go home and stop banzaiing another shrub from the flowerbed and need to stop calling their Yardadori Yamadori. And then have the Irk to tell me that their Sansei Heidi said Kakadama was the only worthy substrate for a bonesai -Trees in Pots- if you take this tree growing any serious.
My wife has garnered the grace to gently shake her head or roll her eyes. It is a subtle message but well received nonetheless.
Mine will give a one week notice before she ventures out into the backyard. I am to weed-whack, mow, and spray to kill all mosquitoes during that one-week notice.
WHen people just do not listen when I tell them the sashi-eda on their Boohnsais is not worthy and they better go home and stop banzaiing another shrub from the flowerbed and need to stop calling their Yardadori Yamadori. And then have the Irk to tell me that their Sansei Heidi said Kakadama was the only worthy substrate for a bonesai -Trees in Pots- if you take this tree growing any serious.
Mah Bohnsai are mostly sticks in the mud.
My bonsai people keep telling me that I shouldn't use the thick plywood as slab because it will rot. While that is true, I think I'll get 3 years out of it before that happens.
Meanwhile, ALL my non-bonsai friends ask for the bonsai on the wood slab even though I warn them it would rot. The last 3 trees I gave away to friends, they all ask for a slab. (@BillsBayou is to be blamed for me putting BCs on plywood slabs.) Their answer to that: "Good, that means you will come and visit us more often."
Bonsai adjacent; can't stand the friggin zither music type crap on bonsai videos.
I can't be the only one jamming out to punk rock while working on trees.
For me it’s generally one of three: Yo-yo Ma doing the Bach solo cello suites, the Allman Brothers Live at the Filmore, or anything Bowie. Zappa is not good for wiring, trust me.
Nothing drives me crazy cuz I am already there.

Yesterday I went to work wearing a nice dress suit. After a full day of meeting I decided to drive to the preserve to unwind. There I saw a swampy creek being dammed by the beavers. Near the middle of the creek I saw a BC chopped down by beavers. Next to it were the twin twisted BCs. So I put on my boots, grabbed the root slayer, and took the twin home before the beavers could kill them.

PS: I should have taken a video of me doing that.
That I would have paid money to watch.
WHen people just do not listen when I tell them the sashi-eda on their Boohnsais is not worthy and they better go home and stop banzaiing another shrub from the flowerbed and need to stop calling their Yardadori Yamadori. And then have the Irk to tell me that their Sansei Heidi said Kakadama was the only worthy substrate for a bonesai -Trees in Pots- if you take this tree growing any serious.
That was just beautifully played.
It drives me nuts when people spend more time arguing semantics over terminology than actually doing the damned thing.
Seriously, people, get a hobby.

On the pronunciation thing, it's as simple as this: I'm an American who speaks with a Midwest American accent, and will pronounce any word in that fashion. I'd expect anyone from anywhere speaking any language to pronounce foreign words in their own accent, perhaps making efforts or adjustments for the sake of bridging communication barriers. You should expect the same from me.
The English language especially, but really any language, has adopted and/or adapted countless foreign words for their own cultural purposes, including saying them in their own native way.
My favorite way to end this debate is to say, well actually, it's pronounced pénzāi, and it's the Japanese who are pronouncing it wrong. Always interesting to see (non-Japanese) Americans work their way out of that one.
For me it’s generally one of three: Yo-yo Ma doing the Bach solo cello suites, the Allman Brothers Live at the Filmore, or anything Bowie. Zappa is not good for wiring, trust me.
I don't think Frank Zappa is good for anything but making people with tourette's feel more comfortable about their dancing.

My favorite way to end this debate is to say, well actually, it's pronounced pénzāi, and it's the Japanese who are pronouncing it wrong. Always interesting to see (non-Japanese) Americans work their way out of that one.
Totally stealing this!
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