Textured pots for bonsai- what are your suggestions?

Looks like Mt Rushmore......stoneshirt.

Thank you!!!

Around here, we call bullet-proof vests, "Lead Shirts"



Selassi's followers spoke of putting on "Iron Shirts"..

Fi yi blessins.. por pon de boi.. jah por de blessin pon yi.

Thank you everyone for your input. I see now why my pots are "too loud" and colourful, in terms of texture.
I disagree! The first two you posted have the most amazing depth of color and interest. Yes, many of us don’t have a tree that could compliment or out compete those containers. But they certainly exist. My first thought was that texture/color on a larger circle or oval without the inward curve and planting an old, weathered, mature bark larch.

Shohin pots are often very colorful or ornate to draw attention to the small nature of the display. I don’t recall seeing a lot of texture in traditional shohin pots, but I would think it would work with the right tree pairing.

Beautiful work!
Hello everyone,

I have been playing with creating an interesting texture for unglazed stoneware pots. I used multicoloured slips and oxides to create this effect.

My question is: are you drawn into them? Would you plant one of your trees in a pot like that? If so, what kind of a tree and what draws you into it? And if not, why not? I understand we all have difference sense of aesthetics and what appeals to some, doesn't necessary appeal to others and that is totally ok. I'm learning about esthetics of bonsai pots myself and while most of my trees are still in the nursery pots, I am in the process of designing and considering different things when it comes to choosing a pot.

I'm pretty happy with the way they turned out and I can see myself potting a juniper into the dark brown one, but my juniper is too big to fit into this pot at this moment, it would have to go through few years of gradual reduction of the root mass.

Thank you so much for your consideration. I woyld
LOVE utilizing any one of the pot examples you offered!! I’m just too much of a frugal (CHEAP) bastage!
But if I were ever blessed to be given such quality pots, I honestly would probably display yours over countless other forms we typically run across even from renowned artist
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