Nashville resident here…come to the NBS meetings if you can! Looks like root problems to me. Very possibly too wet with what our weather has been doing.
Check water PH as well. Mine rides at about 8-9+ which is enough to lock up growth for a lot of maples and others unless you adjust for it.
Not sure about the root issue. Definitely a fungus issue.
A couple practical things one might do right now.
Finally, please go and visit the Nashville NBS folks. WhileI’ve spent a good deal of time working around Oak Ridge over the years, it’s best to take the time to be with the folks who really know the tree horticulture in your area.
- Get the tree out of the rain for awhile and let it dry out more,
- Don’t water until this happens (drying)
- Spray with copper top and bottom of leaves (only).
- Chock up one side of the pot to give sharper drainage
- Take a 3/16” drill and driver, then drill a patchwork of holes around the sides at the bottom 3-4” of the nursery pot. This will increase drainage.
- Use a slow release fertilizer like Osmocote Plus, 1/2 recommended strength, and consider giving a couple applications of Miracle Gro (1 per two weeks) to quickly strengthen the tree. Both these will help right away with nutrient issues. (Although the nursery soil ought to help buffer water issues.
Just some thoughts.
DSD sends
Thanks all! So first off, I am an NBS member and regularly (more recently than not) attend events and meetings. Great group of folks - agreed on all accounts!
So regarding the tree, I am doing much of what's being suggested already and definitely am aware of and being cautious with watering. I have kept it sheltered for weeks during every rain (almost the entire time I've owned it except for maybe one time), and I'm definitely not watering frequently. Trying to dry it out. Keeping it on a slant, and I actually did cut holes in the bottom of the nursery black pot. I'll try the drilling of the sides though becuase that sounds really great too!
Re Nashville's PH - is a PH test kit good enough for this? @MHBonsai what are you doing to rectify it?
Re fert, I'm doing BioGold but no Osmocote or MiracleGro.
Re treatments, I've done Bonide granular but haven't done spray nor copper.
I do think the trees are drying out though. And the Trident is pushing a nice second flush currently with minimal fungus on the new growth. Lastly, confirming I did go ahead and remove the top bonsai soil from the basket.
All best,