Need repotting advice on Japanese maples

So you're going to hide the problem, not to solve it. I wish you good luck, you're going to need it.

Don't underestimate the power of the pressure water, may help you to wash the old substrate, and made the roots wet during the process.

As I had said, good luck.
Ok, I'm not sure I understand what you mean exactly or maybe I wasn't clear. I will of course repot all of these in the coming spring. In the meantime I will try and follow the advice I feel most.comfortable with, ie take less risks now and just try to make the trees survive fall and winter as well as I can by trying some of the tips from you guys to increase permeability of the soil, for example making some holes in the dirt. And since more than one person mentooned that I should protect the visible roots on top of the surface somehow, I will try that using what I have at hand. So sure, I might be hiding the issue but it would only be until I can repot more safely.

Sorry if I was unclear😀
I was stick between repotting the best or worst one now.

I think you should pot one of the middle ones.

Ok, I'm not sure I understand what you mean exactly or maybe I wasn't clear. I will of course repot all of these in the coming spring. In the meantime I will try and follow the advice I feel most.comfortable with, ie take less risks now and just try to make the trees survive fall and winter as well as I can by trying some of the tips from you guys to increase permeability of the soil, for example making some holes in the dirt. And since more than one person mentooned that I should protect the visible roots on top of the surface somehow, I will try that using what I have at hand. So sure, I might be hiding the issue but it would only be until I can repot more safely.

Sorry if I was unclear😀
Probably the tree will survive, no mater what you do, they are hard enough to front the most adverse circumstances, but, the better is always the better, so if you have to chose, chose the beter for its development.

By the way, I had try the stryrofoam, but I hadn't try with tooth.....yet 👹

The best advice you can get, and it is for free 😂: don't believe all you see in internet. Do your own test, and make your own conclusions.
Good luck. For the rest of the year, place them in a spot where they get a little sun, it needs it. But avoind the hot midday sun; They will probably dry out very fast.
........One day last year Bill Valvanis told our club when asked, “When do you repot your Maples?” Bill said, “ Whenever I have time. I just have to ensure they get proper care afterwards.”

Ok, I’ll step into this one.

It looks like you need to repot these maples. The soil is not draining is the key here. Poor water adsorption even during the Stockholm summer is not going to be good for the health of your trees.

So here’s some thoughts on what I’ve done with 6 of my maples in full leaf 4 weeks ago That were in distress.
Changing the media is likely enough insults for now.

Soak the media and depot. Save a some of the old soil. Rinse the roots with cool water. Mix the part of old media in with the new media. Add to the roots. Water in until the water runs clear. Thump the pot down on the lawn a just little to settle the media, then water in again. Place the trees in heavily filtered sunlight, or mostly shade for 2-3 weeks, then ease into more sun so each can continue building strength until they go into dormancy. Next spring prune those roots and work on the nebari’s

One day last year Bill Valvanis told our club when asked, “When do you repot your Maples?” Bill said, “ Whenever I have time. I just have to ensure they get proper care afterwards.”

Just my thoughts.

DSD sends

PS: Your wintering over plan sounds good, as long as the trees go into dormancy (below 42 F) are out of the direct wind, have ventilation and adequate water if not frozen solid.
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