then immediately created the new username bananaman to continue antagonize the forum
You still dont get it.
What hes done is to be a disruptor. He is disrupting mirai subscribers. Making them ask themselves if they are actually getting something from these videos.
And they arent liking it. Nobody likes to be put on the spot when they got nothing to show for the money wasted on anything.
So they attack the questioner. They attack his knowledge and here they've even attacked his mental stability.
What these people are really doing is answering his questions without even knowing it. By attacking him,instead of saying they really didnt get much from them or by showing trees that they have used things theyve just learned from these videos,people have shown how much exactly they've learned from these mirai videos. These reactions really show how much people dont like being shown theyve wasted their money.
It's like the thread on waiting until leaves have hardened off before pruning. Nobody could answer him there either.
This man knows stuff. People need to think about the questions hes asking real well before spouting off about how he is just trying to get them mad on purpose. Deep inside they know the answers but dont want to admit it.
Now I know that some people think that Ryan Neel is the shit. Just back from Japan. Knows things only the Japanese know. The newest techniques. The latest knowledge from the great bonsai land to the east. He might magically transform video watchers into bonsai masters themselves overnight.
The same happened when Boon came back. He was the greatest. He now knew things nobody but the Japanese masters know. Same thing as Neil. The latest and greatest techniques,the latest knowledge. Hell he even named a substrate combination after himself. Or his students did.Boons mix. Akadama,pumice and lava. Only the best bonsai in the world are in this mix. Other substrates are sub par. If you arent using akadama you arent doing bonsai right. Your trees will suffer and won't reach their true potential. People are now finding out that akadama might not be so great. Even Ryan Neil is looking into Something I and others have known for a few years now. Its superior in every way to akadama.
What I'm getting at is this.
I think Al is too.
Spending money on a teacher or videos is fine. Just keep your eyes and mind open. These guys dont know everything you think they do. Knowledge can come from other sources. But most of all,get outside. Work on your trees. Learn and figure things out for yourself. In the end you will take more pride in your trees because you're intimate with your trees. You figured out how to keep it alive and turn it into something you like for your pleasure. After a bit you realize,maybe Al was right. I learned more by just spending time with my own trees than by watching all the videos in the world.
That's what hes trying to do. Get people to spend time with their trees. You can be your own best teacher.
My hats off to Smoke. He'll always be Smoke to me no matter how many times he changes his user name. He got wracked by members here for being himself and doing what he does best. He schooled a bunch of people here even when they fought it. Called him names. Brought his sanity into question. Questioned his knowledge. He really kept his cool.
Showed once again why he is at the top of the bonsai heap. No matter what other members may think.