Huangshan pine from seed

I'm also kind of assuming they'll wind up 2 flush pines. Only one way to know
I think it is what you are growing them in. Switch to something more granular (i.e., an inorganic bonsai substrate) and you'll likely get a lot more root branching/ramification. The additional oxygen to the roots will help with vigor too.

That’s batch is in a two layer substrate , pitting soil on the bottom and bonsai mix on top. 50-50. I have a new batch in full bonsai soil.. they are looking real good but I’m curious on what the roots will be like.. my root pruned ones are in full bonsai mix and the roots don’t look great either .. I pulled in out and I wasn’t impressed. I’m bigiare a out the rest though.
I can't say for all seeds but all mine are in granular substrate and they most look like Paul's seedling, the ones I checked anyway. I'll know for sure come repot time

I re-potted a lot of them recently and not one has a substantial root system.. NONE. I’ve seen pictures of some on the internet that look real good but mine don’t look anything like that.
I re-potted a lot of them recently and not one has a substantial root system.. NONE. I’ve seen pictures of some on the internet that look real good but mine don’t look anything like that.
I feel like after I root prune my tap roots in spring and wait they'll really start to take off.
I feel like after I root prune my tap roots in spring and wait they'll really start to take off.

Mine just seem to be at a stand still or just growing very slowly where I cant even notice it. The Huangshans are growing quick, at least so far.
Looking good Paul.
It may turn out to be a good pine option for the Florida Keys.
Okay now hurry up and grow.
That is the problem with seedlings, it will be years before you can really evaluate them for bonsai.
The best time to plant seed was about 20 years ago, second best time to plant seed is today, at risk of being a bore, restating the old saying.
It’s fine.. it’s all about the wait I guess. I just like watching them grow really. They seem to do real well here at least so far. I really do like them better than JBP. They seem to respond better here. All my JBPs look like crap! Well, that might be normal - I’m not sure.


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It’s fine.. it’s all about the wait I guess. I just like watching them grow really. They seem to do real well here at least so far. I really do like them better than JBP. They seem to respond better here. All my JBPs look like crap! Well, that might be normal - I’m not sure.
Those are the jbp pictured?
4971489C-82EB-4942-8C58-396D616E637A.jpegAlmost 75% germination now without fridge time ... some late bloomers! Still wondering if I should snip them now...
By the jbp rule snip once the trunk or whatever turns purple or after the first true set of needless so yeah but I'm not experienced with seed cuttings

The wuang chung's turn purple right away and theres a few just growing in new needles.. picture sucks though.. Ill get better ones.
View attachment 220226Almost 75% germination now without fridge time ... some late bloomers! Still wondering if I should snip them now...
If I was you, I would let them be alone until next Fall (in my climate). At that time, I would separate them, cut the rap roots, and place each one into the single 4” square pot. Good luck .
Thuj Thoại
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