Flowers 2022

I prefer the scientific names, common names can be very confusing, but the scientific name its universal and anyone can understand you
As a certified horticulturist for about 50 years, I prefer the botanical names as well. To someone grounded in Latin and some Greek, it tells you so much more about the plant (or animal) than common names do. As a for instance. alba lineatus literally means white lined. It is a brilliant system and universal as you have stated, but as to "anyone can understand you", well, that will never happen.
I know that many people who viewed that particular post, probably most people, viewed it as Ice Plant rather than Delosperma.
But I do agree that common names can be both confusing and misleading.
The ground cover succulent is ruschia- dwarf carpet of stars. Big seller as it is walkable where many ground covers aren’t.
Ugly corner color cluster. Bougie above, african blue basil - fully popping, edible yellow calendula in raised bed, next to purple Brussel sprouts.

If you are into bees, I highly recommend the African blue basil. The best bee plant I know. Except for about a month in worst part of winter, the euro honeys are on it all year not to mention other pollinators. Relatively newer natural garden hybrid, sterile and the only prop method is cuttings. They were in bloom in 1 gals at my prior workplace on a large table display. You could hear them buzzing and humming 30 feet away.

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