Imperial Masterpiece
Any tips on how to develop te ramification? I had to cut a beech back to stubs this winter as all the branches were just getting really lanky
@leatherback beech are indeed challenging to ramify well. They are apically very dominant which also includes the branch terminals. Although there may be nuances in how you approach different species of beech, I am guessing that all behave similarly. On Japanese beech, I pinch the center of strong to medium strength buds as they swell and extend in the spring. Yes, this means opening up the still incipient buds and very carefully pinching the center back to one or two buds depending on their strength. You will need to do this perhaps a couple a times a day as the buds open at different rates. This will go on for a week or more as buds open up. Getting shoots that early ensures the energy gets redistributed back to the smaller weaker buds in a timely manner. All weak branches I leave to grow until leaves harden at which point I cut back to two or more shoots. Except for the strongest branches, I usually will prune back to two buds (or more) and not just one as it is risky. Again this depends on the strength of the branch in question.
Also when the tree is dormant, I cut off all the tips of each branch in preparation for the spring flush. Again, the only exception is the weaker branches which I leave alone. I am pretty aggressive in how I manage back the strong areas of my beech trees.