Thank you Brian, I have read all about your beech and found it very helpful, though I have not attempted the fall defoliation yet. I was trying to discern if Charles is essentially performing a less extreme version, and what the reason for the fall timing is vs spring, which is what I have seen others recommend (when not defoliating). @KiwiPlantGuy do you also defoliate along with removing terminal buds?
Hi Zach,
I didn’t defoliate this as only repotted last winter (late fall here in NZ), and didn’t want to risk beating up the tree anymore. I too read @Brian Van Fleet blog, and thought it looked good so tried it. I figure the last 30 odd days pre frost gives the tree time to put energy into new buds, rather forcing in the spring. Also bear in mind my winters are mild (frosts and no snow- growing season 8 months etc)