Corkbark JBP, 'Hachi Gen'


Beautiful tree and I learned several important things from this post. Thank you very much.

You stated that the soil was drenched with diluted malathion. Can you give me an idea about how much the solution was diluted? I have a yellowing Mikawa BP and want to drench the soil. (I do not have malathion, do you think pyrethrin (Bonide 8) can be used as a drench?)

Thanks again,

Disregard my question about treating root aphids, I found info on For anyone interested the blog post is dated 9/1/15.

Thank you
I just have a quick question if there is a direct answer, when exactly do you believe was the turn-around for the foliage and what do you think was the best practice that you did to achieve that. drench? fert? special spot on the bench? or did it get any other special treatment besides attention. Please keep response as vague as possible o_O.
I just have a quick question if there is a direct answer, when exactly do you believe was the turn-around for the foliage and what do you think was the best practice that you did to achieve that. drench? fert? special spot on the bench? or did it get any other special treatment besides attention. Please keep response as vague as possible o_O.
Corkbark JBP, 'Hachi Gen'
Im assuming its the drench then. I'm going to see Jonas tomorrow at his nursery and see what the exact details are of this method are. I'm a little apprehensive about soaking mature trees if im not even sure if root aphids are the cause. Anyway, great tree you have there. great job in balancing the foliage with the base.
Summer shot. Last summer, I candle-cut it and it didn’t respond well; some new candles, but mostly buds. I may have to try it doing it earlier next year. I will not candle-cut it this summer, in the traditional sense, so it will have long needles.
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