There are practical reasons for leaving the lower branch on the tree. The number one reason is that with corkers, removing a mature branch is always going to mess up the line of cork. There will be swelling and a callus, and ultimately, a round depression right there. If you are very lucky, you can make all that extra growth blend into the cork, but it's not a given.
What I would do with this beauty were it mine is to just look at it for a couple of years. Keep it in good health. I would do very little other than contemplate it. If something does occur to me, I'd look at it a couple more years before doing anything. I'd also take a lot of pictures of the tree, and modify the pictures, partly as an exercise, and partly to develop new ideas.
What I would do with this beauty were it mine is to just look at it for a couple of years. Keep it in good health. I would do very little other than contemplate it. If something does occur to me, I'd look at it a couple more years before doing anything. I'd also take a lot of pictures of the tree, and modify the pictures, partly as an exercise, and partly to develop new ideas.