i'd even say, it's not even the heat that will doom us, but the greed and selfishness causing it, 2 things at the very opposite of basic christian values they are pretending to fight for
The audit was by John McLean, PhD. Just search for "independent audit of global temperature dataset" using duckduckgo (Google would probably censor the result, though I didn't try Google myself). All of the data source citations can be easily found.Are you really taking a blog as a source of information...!??
i'd love to see a count of cracked skulls by climate scientists compared to cracked skulls from the other religions....
Like I said earlier...fraud! The best they have, though.So said thiss was not published somewhere where people can actually READ the report, without the author making money of it. In say, and open publishing platform. No, instead he goes off and starts his own publishing house and charges everyone for reading his report. Then starts to make a big fuss about the first audith (Hm.. Gyuess he does not understand the scientific process).
In any case. The link, as Zach cannot be bothered to find the sources to what he claims himmself.
So, when you next hear the words ''A new study found''.......remember it's probably wrong!
Very good point. But maybe if you do not understand it,
really, just because you do not know how it is done, .
again all this is typical of denialist flawed arguments, not having the slightest idea of what they are talking about or how science work, no doubt "with an interest on the subject for one year" you can lecture scientists who spent their whole life working on the subject..... that's ridiculous and arrogant to say the least
But why would compagnies hire them?Merchants of Doubt. --Naomi Oreskes. The same company campaigning pro-smoking is now selling doubt about climate change to oil company's, welcome to the free market.
Particularly if it is based on computer modelling and not observation!
My god.
Because hops need just the right temps and enviornment.Holy cow!
I understand why you dared not post the title of the article, but I shall, I must:
Trouble brewing: climate change to cause 'dramatic' beer shortages