Climate change

>>I fail to see how any sane/logical/intelligent/educated person can dismiss our impact on the planet and argue against the need to make significant changes.

In sane logical steps, sure. For things with measurable problems with identifiable culprits, and processes which have some sort of sane, logical finish line.

There was a befuddlement at one time about those African droughts. Singers sang for that, as you might recall. In sane logical steps, it was determined that there was a contributing factor of particulate matter in the atmosphere. Basically a man-made sand-storm from industry by-products. There was measurable impact (light sensors on the ground) and measurable ways to filter airborne industry waste. That has been vastly improved upon. Measurably. That's my point. Manageable amounts of information for a problem with boundaries.

"Climate change" is some weird catch-all for convicting humanity in the charges of earth murder. Hopelessly vague, shoddy predictability, and along for the ride are the suckerfish who want to erect new financial markets to play with the skim from our pay checks on the basis of saving mother earth from murder, and the useful idiots who encourage all of it. Ya know, cuz carbon and whatever.
that's the root of it all, your pay checks...
you know it's simply basics math, we have a finite amount of resources ( a large part of it not renewable and already consumed) and an increasing population. One way or the other, the soft one or the hard one, either population will have to diminish, or the wealth/capita will have to be diminished/shared differently, that's as simple as that.
I for one have up eating beans.
Methane gas released from my behind is just adding to the global warming.
I for one have up eating beans.
Methane gas released from my behind is just adding to the global warming.
Most here are talking Co2 not methane....try to keep up....

Besides that burns and I can reheat my burrito with that so its good for me. Stick a pipe up your ass and get it to Fresno CA for my kitchen.
you sound prehistoric, it's nothing new nor surprising people like you blames real science with what is their own flaws/fraud. I'm not going into an endless debate people like you already lost long ago, (particularly from claim 5, previous one have already been discussed here)

and of course in your last part you make the convenient usual confusion about companies, industries, government and scientists, scientists job is to get knowledge, HOW this knowledge is used to make profits is not in the hands of scientists themselves or again we will already be much more out of an oil based society than we are now.
I'm sorry don't kid yourself your statement that the scientists job is to get knowledge is not totally correct; don't forget that like everybody else their main job is to get money.
Are you really taking a blog as a source of information...!??
Not only that, but the guy who writes the blog spent years in jail for...wait for it...fraud. Definitely a trustworthy source of information! LOL.

Which part is a fact? Is Allah also a fact?
Well, it is a fact that religion exists. That doesn't mean there's anything else factual about it.
Which part is a fact? Is Allah also a fact?
  1. the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.
    "ideas about the relationship between science and religion"
    synonyms:faith, belief, worship, creed; More
    • a particular system of faith and worship.
      plural noun: religions
      "the world's great religions"
    • a pursuit or interest to which someone ascribes supreme importance.
      "consumerism is the new religion"
RELIGION is the practice of believing in "something". That is a fact.

The "Something" is not a fact. That is personal and something people feel with their heart.

Bonsai is a religion with me. When bonsai becomes a religion it will be reflected in your trees. That is a fact. Now, some people are better at exercising their religion than others. That too is reflected in your trees, that too is a fact!!! I would suggest on your part more time exercising the religion of practicing bonsai on a personal level, maybe find a new Minister of bonsai to teach you.
don't kid yourself Vance, first some people don't just choose a job for making the maximum money possible, or there will be no more academic researchers anywhere they would all be gone in private sector....doing reseach for oil industry for instance is much more profitable .... secondly and i thought it was obvious, i was talking about what the job of researcher is about because apparently a lot of people seems to think that it includes deciding about the politics and industrial orientations of the states and economy, which is not the case. People tend to blame scientists rather than politics for what is done or not and what is decided. The best example that scientitific community don't have any real power being your own government decisions regarding environment.....
The best example that scientitific community don't have any real power being your own government decisions regarding environment.....
abd if course that scientists publish and tend to not care about IP. It is all about releasing what they know, including the data and methods. All open for scruteny.
I'm going to agree that we disagree about some of those points you mentioned, I wish you good luck in your future bonsai projects and in life.
Good for you. I don’t agree
don't forget that like everybody else their main job is to get money
Which is why you see professors, long retired, still come in the office, de research, supervise phd students etc? Comon, if you know anything about academia you know that this is not why they have that job.
Which is why you see professors, long retired, still come in the office, de research, supervise phd students etc? Comon, if you know anything about academia you know that this is not why they have that job.

Either because it is hobby for them or more likely have no life outside pseudo intellectualism(thinking they are actually intellectual);).
always amazing to see people failing to realize they owe their nowadays very long and comfortable lifes to the science they despise so much, but well of course science is only "trustable" when its results do not endanger this comfort....
I think its funny.
They believe the scientists that are in the medical field .
The ones that keep them alive.
They believe the ones that are in communication field.
Or we wouldn't have to listen to them here.
They certainly believe in the scientists that work at oil refineries.
But scientists that tell them the world is slowly dieing doesnt jive with the bible. Most climate change deniers are Christian's. If climate change is real it then makes the bible very inaccurate.
The end of the human race is supposed to happen in a glorious war with Jesus leading the charge against the devil.
But the human race dieing from just plain old heat? Doesnt work for them so it cant ne true.
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