calling my country men, South Africa that is

I went to Ellispark as a boy to support NTvl when they played Tvl
First time a opened my mouth to cheer they threw us with oranges from the back. Never went back since.
Wild men those Johburgers...
That's true. I'd never go to Jo'Burg without first filling my bakkie with oranges.
Ha Ha just joking Billy. I stayed in Pta. In those days (60s and 70s) it was a half days drive to get to Jburg. Nothing inbetween. Only the Halfway House roadhouse. Had to stop there for a have lunch to :cool: The motorists still waved at another.
Know what you mean. I still miss the trees and African nature very much. Have to say that is all I miss form SA. Family and friends of course...:)
So many trees here
The trees? It was in Salisbury I discovered I had an allergy. I lived in the part of town called ”The Avenues”. I walked to my job at the Andrew Fleming Hospital and could hardly breath for the Jacaranda trees.


Know what you mean. I still miss the trees and African nature very much. Have to say that is all I miss form SA. Family and friends of course...:)

How's the kudu biltong in NZ?
Nah mate we only make beef and deer biltong here. That Jacarandas is from my hometown Pta. I know that exact street. Used to travel there everyday when i did landscaping....Its actually a South American tree.... Very slippery when that flowers are on the snot :eek: Once fell my gat off on a motorcycle coming around a corner. I have one as a bonsai here, but it doesn't like this chilly, wet climate ;)
Nah mate we only make beef and deer biltong here. That Jacarandas is from my hometown Pta. I know that exact street. Used to travel there everyday when i did landscaping....Its actually a South American tree.... Very slippery when that flowers are on the snot :eek: Once fell my gat off on a motorcycle coming around a corner. I have one as a bonsai here, but it doesn't like this chilly, wet climate ;)
Sorry mate, Pretoria also has a lot of Jacaranda trees but this photo is from off the corner of 4th. and Montegu near my flat in Salisbury. I also had a Jacaranda bonsai but it was at the beginning of my interest and I didn't have enough experience to keep it alive for more than one season.

Is the emu not suitable biltong?
WoW you just fooled me. I have a photo somewhere. Will look for it....Its almost identical to that. Havent been back for 11 years though...
Nah mate emus are in Aussie :D All we have here is Kiwis and they as big as a tarentaal.
WoW you just fooled me. I have a photo somewhere. Will look for it....Its almost identical to that. Havent been back for 11 years though...
Nah mate emus are in Aussie :D All we have here is Kiwis and they as big as a tarentaal.

The photo is from the part of Salisbury that was called "The Avenues" and if memory serves me that white wall and pavilion-looking structure in the lower right-hand corner is the entrance to the Greek Orthodox Church. I have no idea what it looks like today. For all I know Mugabe's had the jacaranda chopped down for kindling.

I said emu but what I meant was cassowary. Aren't they the same stature as the emu?
Is Salisbury close to the city center? It might have changed names?
Ag, Salisbury WAS the City. Harare was the African township just beyond the edge of Salisbury. Then, of course, the name Salisbury was tossed out and the whole city was changed to Harare.

We got someone called Julius Malema, don't know if you have heard of him? Let's just say he doesn't like agents hahah
Shame. ANC izit?
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