The tips of the new growth look a little blackened from the trip... Probably three days or so in a box caused a little stress, but overall it looks great! Glad to see it got there in a timely manner!
@Jevans, I took the top I had cut off of a plastic nursery pot and cut a little section out to fit over the trunk of the tree, then wedged it from corner to corner of the box so that it was holding the tree in place... That and a few little packing pads held it pretty solid! I am finding it an interesting challenge just packing these trees! Part of the reason I wanted to start the trades is I am planning to sell some trees one day- I am making so many I pretty much HAVE TO get rid of some or the wife might get rid of ME- so, I figured is would be a good exercise in shipping live trees without people getting super mad if I screw one up, because we are just trading trees and they aren't paying me for them!