Apple tree needs styling idea

The PO used a lot of water based color to color the wood, I removed all and now will get old by nature not with chemical, takes years, no problem.
At this point in its development it seems the tree needs a slightly larger pot to boost its growth for now. Also when doing so please ensure the tree is properly secured. Then no need for a prop stick.

Also one might go over the deadwood with some light sandpaper and take out all the tool marks. Also go back at the boundary of the deadwood with an appropriate tool and clearly delineate the boundary between the deadwood and the live vein. I wouldn’t worry about the weathering issue. Time will fix this, or there are simple tricks one can use to fix this fairly quickly… but not to worry for now.

This is a great project which begs for further carving, yet not now. Repot and stabilize the tree is first priority.

Styling wise, the first images indicated a tree growing out of proportion. One that begged for the main branch to be shortened.
Also a virtually horizontal main branch.

Finally, angle during repot. Sorry, but last bunch of images were not usable. Please post some with a clear background, taken all around if advice is still desired.

DSD sends
So today I made some extra pictures, I hope the pictures can help more than the previous one.
The pot is round plastic one, 28cmX10cm internal.
Here are the pictures part 1

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I've had many apples over the years and I like your plan - If it was mine and it seems healthy I would cut back hard and let it grow uncheck (where the arrows are) this/next year(2024) to grow taper and let the live vein thicken. I've found that if you don't the live vein can weaken. Next year start working on ramification. Make sure you do what you want as it's your tree!


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Thought about this tree a lot yesterday while I was while working on an Elements of Design presentation.

Agreed live part of the tree needs strengthening. Hard cut backs will not do this though.

Thus cuts as proposed are pretty solid (apex cut and middle short branch might be a tad longer) and have the advantage of carrying a good deal of living material to strengthen the tree this year. They form a decent outline for the foilage.

Love the tree. Do think the tree needs to be up potted to strengthen roots, which will result in better resiliency in when cutting back, and also repositioned to give better view.

One hint on taking images. These are very much better background wise, yet work to position the lens horizontally with the center point of the tree vs up or downward. This will give a better view of the tree to viewers when feedback is needed. (My main faux paux is not having a decent background 😉)

Just some thoughts…

DSD sends
Agreed live part of the tree needs strengthening. Hard cut backs will not do this though.

Thank you very much Dabbler and Deep Sea River, i appreciate all your help.
Basically we are on the same wavelength, I am thinking to cut back but not so aggressive, like this picture
I will cut like this


yes the tree needs to come back, but also it's the first year with me and I don't know the really strength of her so I want to be more conservative.

This way I will start to come back without too much stress for her.
About the pot now is 28x10 cm, any suggestion for the size ?
Probably I will repot the plant vertical, so next plan maybe in a couple of years is start a sabamiki on the part where the old roots are.
I think i will put a screw under the wood on the dead part so I can tie the wire and make a nice and secure position.
Also a lean on the dry side can be nice as suggested here, but I am not so good with virtual.


Just in case someone have time I apreciate an help for this plant also _

Thank you so much
First off, the tree is dynamic as is with the sides and angle moving off center.

As is will make a decent bonsai.

The other option is to move it back off center to create another, even more dynamic bonsai.

Imho the tree needs to get used to the latter position from the gitgo if this is your choice. Please do not plant it upright. Choose one side or the other.

Will look at the clump thread later.😉

DSD sends
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Not sure what size pot the tree is in, but 5 cm (ish) more in diameter
Now the tree is in a 28x10cm internal measure pot. So I will look around 33x12.5 internal, or something around that.....
Do you think that will be the definitive pot or later I will have to go down in size ? I ask for the quallity of the pot to buy
Now the tree is in a 28x10cm internal measure pot. So I will look around 33x12.5 internal, or something around that.....
Do you think that will be the definitive pot or later I will have to go down in size ? I ask for the quallity of the pot to buy
Sure, or if you are handy, build a wood box with internal measurements as discussed. The idea is to grow more roots and bulk the tree up for a couple three years, ramifying and styling along the way.

Imho It’s never a good idea to put a developing tree, especially mid development in a bonsai. (A couple weeks ago Mauro Stemburger hammered this point home to our entire club once again.) Get it strong and looking good, you will thank yourself for it in the end.

Look for a nice pot during this time. See the trees and pots I posted on your clump thread for some starter ideas.

DSD sends
I like the deadwood on this, lots of ways to present it. Agree with others here to just let it grow unchecked to strengthen the live part.
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