Updated my JBP PDF

Yes, I noticed your pine right behind the juniper when he said it... thanks about the avatar, my first metal album was Piece of Mind in the summer of '83... been a Maiden fan since then, I had the original Trooper single album cover tattooed on my leg, that's before doing the background. Did modified it, my flag and a katana instead of a sword.

Apologies for the confusion, but correct me if I am incorrect. You will be cutting candles in 2 weeks? Not that you cut them already 2 weeks ago, right?
Correct, I will be cutting them around July 1. Just a touch early this year for a couple reasons.
Repotted. Roots looked really good after 3 years since the last repot. My original plan was to send this to the USNBE in 2018, but it had a setback during the winter, so I withdrew it. I spent the next couple years keeping it in show-shape to send it in 2020, which became 2021. Keeping the roots tight helped keep the growth in scale for the tree’s small size. Now that the show is over it will be time to prune it back and use the next few years to take it to the “next level”, whatever that may be…
Repotted. Roots looked really good after 3 years since the last repot. My original plan was to send this to the USNBE in 2018, but it had a setback during the winter, so I withdrew it. I spent the next couple years keeping it in show-shape to send it in 2020, which became 2021. Keeping the roots tight helped keep the growth in scale for the tree’s small size. Now that the show is over it will be time to prune it back and use the next few years to take it to the “next level”, whatever that may be…
View attachment 422933View attachment 422932
Unbelievable how amazing this tree is. Great job! One day I hope to make something as marvelous as your works!
Left to grow unchecked to gain strength; first time it hasn’t been summer candle-cut since I started training it over 13 years ago. It was time for a much-needed break (for me and the tree). Over the fall, or maybe next spring, it will need to be pruned back and rewired…and the process begins again.
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