Trident Maple -- Black spots on new growth


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North GA
I noticed these black spots on new growth today. Does anyone know what could be the cause?



There's also these other parts of leaves that have curled around and turned brown?



Any advice would be appreciated. I did repot this year.
I have similar pattern on new growth on trident and Japanese maple. I have a constant struggle with fungus, and speculate a small amount of fungus overwintered on buds, which can discolor and curl new leaves as they emerge in spring. For this year fungal treatment, and a dormant spray in winter.
Is it ok to use a fungicide on maple/other deciduous tree with leaves that have not hardened off yet? If so what fungicides can be used?

thanks guys
Here is a trident of mine, which has a similar issue as yours. Otherwise healthy mature tree. Every spring, I see some clusters of leaves with curled edges, some black, etc. I think fungus on leaf tips where water may remain on leaf. I cut them out, watch. Will spray with fungicide if more appears.

Here is a trident of mine, which has a similar issue as yours. Otherwise healthy mature tree. Every spring, I see some clusters of leaves with curled edges, some black, etc. I think fungus on leaf tips where water may remain on leaf. I cut them out, watch. Will spray with fungicide if more appears.

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Can you tell us which fungicide do you use?
Thank you!
Daconil, Bonide copper, and perhaps another. Important to rotate them. Search here on the forum for daconil and copper and you’ll get good info.

I used to get that on my tridents ... no more after dormant spraying and spraying every few weeks.
Agree with John. Spray Daconil or copper when bad and playing catch up. Don’t care for the look after spraying, looks like your trees got hit with a milk storm. This year I will try a systemic this spring before I see fungus on maples, and I may not have to spray.
I sprayed last week with Bonide Infuse systemic and got some damage on one J.maple. Fortunately the dozen or so leaves damaged were on branch extensions that had grown out aggressively and needed pruning back anyway so off they came. The literature says that propiconazole is safe for maples but maybe not this variety. None of my others were damaged nor were any of my tridents.
Did this resolve the infection?
Not sure yet, I am pulling out all the stops this year. I repotted it in a better draining substrate without akadama and treated it with lime sulfur last month. Now it has leafed out and looks great. Next I plan to hit it again with Infuse proactively and also some Daconil and copper in alternate months.
I have to say I am spraying every Trident with everything I have about once a week right now, with the hope that it stops these black spots.
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