Looks more like dehydration than fungus to me.
Also wonder if buried too deep if that could impact
I don't think it is possible to bury a trident too deep. If the trunk is buried they just grow a whole new set of roots just under the surface.
I performed root over rock in March. And then leaves came out nicely but since last week the leaves are droopy and turning black.
Without knowing how or what you did with the roots and rock my guess is this is the real reason here, especially as you mention the other tridents are unaffected.
Reducing roots but not the top just before leaves sprout can cause imbalance between water use (leaves) and water supply (roots) The tree then adjusts demand to match supply by letting a few leaves die. I've seen similar results after trying late spring root pruning. All the leaves turned brown but after a few weeks when the tree had regenerated enough roots new shoots emerged.
You may also not be aware that any pot with a rock will need lots more water than a similar tree/pot without a rock. Rocks absorb water. when part of the rock, including a rock slab, is exposed to the air it then evaporates water into the air so acts as a wick to suck moisture out of the soil and dehydrate the tree.
In this case the rock is buried so can't transfer water to the air but have you considered how much space that rock is taking up in the pot? In essence your tree is growing in a much smaller pocket of soil than trees in similar post without rocks. The space taken up by the rock cannot store water. The tree is reliant on a much smaller volume of soil to hold and supply water. Have you increased watering to compensate?
My recommendation would be to leave it alone now and let the tree adjust. Increase watering if necessary.
BTW, I am NOT in favour of the so called scratch test. Scratch test will not cure an ailing tree so it's of no real benefit. It can't tell you anything more than tree is alive or dead which will be obvious without scraping through the bark anyway. A tree will either live or die with or without the scratch test so the test is of no benefit. Scratch test cannot tell you what is wrong or how to treat it so of no real benefit. Scraping through the protective bark can admit more pathogens so is probably much more detrimental than of any practical use.