John, are you blind as well as daft? There have been takers posting openly and a couple that Pm'ed me, sadly none of the big mouths who have the most to lose.
Show me Will...Takers where??? Lie #1 As of 8pm this evening there are 5 posts...Three of which are yours, one I referred to already, and one by Irene... WHERE ARE ALL YOUR IMAGINERY CONTESTANTS WILL??
You're wrong, what I did do was to finally take out my glove and slap all you loud mouth, know nothing glitterati, across the face, not once but many times in this challenge. I also set it up so that besides proving once again that you guys are full of crap, something good comes of it....history shows that you glitterati have a very short memory span, hence the constant demands to see bonsai after they have been shown time and time again. Maybe putting your money where your mouth is will help your memory the next time.
Woops Lie#2 - you haven't shown anybody anything but your mouth... As we have said before about the trees you have shown...they suck Will..they are sticks in pots...please show something commensurate of your high and mighty ego????
There have been people interested in taking the challenge, as I said. Your Orwellian denials are beneath you.
Ban Shaukat? What the hell for? His opinion is welcome, please notice how two people can disagree respectfully? You should try it sometime. This may be above your capibility to understand, but people can actually disagree without insulting each other and other such ignorance.
While he may have said the same thing, he said it without insults, name calling, and whining.
I guess inferring that you are an emotional Tyrant is acceptable???
Pretend? Nope, sorry I am exactly what I have always said, a person with less than 5 years in bonsai who has contributed quite a bit to the community, a published author in three languages, and paid instructor. I have created the best on-line contests for bonsai ever that have set the standard for such contests, and I have helped bring together the most comprehensive collection of galleries and interviews on the web, as well as artistic articles, etc etc etc.
Yes, you keep questioning my contributions and I'll keep listing them.
You are my hero Will Heath!!!
I tell them the same thing, they should go back and look because they will see every thread turns to flames exactly like this one did. Someone like yourself, comes in a starts trowing crap and then I
respond to them. What pisses you off is that someone will stand up to your bull-crap and call it like it is, or that someone may be infringing on your self perceived claim of being the "Beginner Forum Internet King."
WTF are you talking about...have you been drinking???...I know my place in Will's World) LMAO!
Stand up to my Bull Crap???? I believe its you that started the bull crap Mr. Halo...put up or shut are such a Joke...
Your warped attempt to place the world's problems on me is lame
(You know I there is medications that may help you with these delisions??) and easily countered with the fact that I also post at IBC, IBF, Bsite, CB, AoB, KoB, TB, and other bonsai forums and none of this crap happens on any of them. Why? Because ignorant inciting crap like yours is not allowed on any of them. Do you really think the readers are so stupid as not to recognize this? Look at your own posts here John and answer the question as to who incites and who simple responds in defense? This may be hard for you to understand, I know it is for those I called by name in my challenge, intelligent discussion can be had without name calling and hissy fits.
Please point to one thread that has turned into a flame war that you were not a part of???
Here's a fact for you to consider, the internet bonsai community is a very, very small percentage of the bonsai small that it is actually pretty unremarkable when compared to the average subscription base of any magazine. Most members of most clubs never go on-line, most experienced artists do not participate, and those that do so usually do so for commercial reasons. So, your crap reaches the minority and is basically meaningless in the big picture. I have been hearing the same crap from the same people for almost five years, do you think it has affected me at all? Bring it on, it does no harm at all, it hasn't stopped me and it certainly hasn't slowed me down any. On the contrary, it motivates me, so if you think you are gaining something with your lies and denials, you are once again, sadly mistaken.
You act like I have some big noble agenda in the world of are the one that is sadly are the only one with an agenda...
Another lie. I may have mentioned this twice, but it is brought up the most by others such as Brent.
Always trying to blame it on someone've mentioned it twice in this thread Lie #??? crap, I forgot
Oh...let's see....just what every other bonsai forum does, stop name calling, insults, flame starting and guide the discussion to the actual subject matter. This forum has the reputation of a fight forum, because such stupidity is allowed.
IF your not man enough to take it can play with your friend's in Will's World
I already created the best contests on-line already, thank you.
It is a shame you don't understand sarcasm when you read it: The one that would be best suited for our purposes is the KoB Progressive Styling Contest, I'll be in it this year, so all you "internet gurus" that are back peddling away from this challenge and making excuses, can have at it there, but I'm not holding my breath, those I called out by name in this challenge very seldom ever will expose themselves to public scrutiny.
) And, just as a side note I am the only one in this dicussion that has ever even entered one of these contests. I guess that makes you no better than any of these other folks you keep challenging.
The KoB contest is all based on talent and ability, it is judged by three world renowned judges, and is open to all. All the big mouths can go against me in the raw stock category.
The sad part is that nothing will go to the good cause by waiting for the KoB contest, but, if that is what it takes, so be it, I'll be in it anyhow, with or without the big mouths.
You make the rules so I am sure you can easily arrange to win your own contest...I'd appect nothing less from you
And the lies and twisting of truths keep on one said anything about going away, what the challenge was is for loud mouth fools to either put up or shut up, making excuses just doesn't cut it John. Take the challenge or shut up, your excuses make you look like a cry baby.
I think you are still holding a gudge John, -
OK..I will admit it...that was nothing but pure Will bait and you bought it hook line and sinker You are ever the professional Will