The Any Maple, Progressive~Progressive Bonsai Contest

I think it would be a good idea to have thread with the rules where each participant can post a link to their own individual threads on their tree(s). This way none of the participating trees get lost in the shuffle from of people browsing the different subforums.
I haven't got a clue what's going on here. There's a contest but I don't see any entries. Don't even know if I have missed or are missing something..... ? :confused:
The entries have their own threads. The title just has to denote the progressive in it.
The threads are out there Fred. Somewhere in maples I would think.
Oh ok...I'm like a hawk on any new maple thread for the last year or more, and cant recall seeing any...:confused:
I've entered three trees in a similar developing thread a few months ago, and that was done all on 1 thread.
Don't make sense to me why this wasn't done on this one to...?
Don't make sense to me why...?
I think that's kind of the point. This was @Smoke's reaction to some other contest (box-store I think) . . . there was wailing and gnashing of teeth . . . you had to be there . . .
Anybody can start a thread and call it a contest, even sense if makes it not :rolleyes:
Rather than list ten reasons why my life is shit right now, it is not my intention to allow anyone's work go unnoticed.

There was not much for rules. If you wish your tree to be judged by a reputable judge please respond to this post with a before and after pic of your tree. Please list the years in training.

Being progressive, a month either way is not going to make that much difference. To allow me the needed time to compose the photo's and number them with years in training for the judge to review, the cutoff for submission will be Friday March 25 at 12 mid night pacific daylight time. That gives you east coasters three extra hours to submitt. This was stated in the original rules.

I don't care if your before photo is from five years ago or yesterday. The judge will be instructed on what to look for as far as work. As has been stated, purchasing a finished tree is not really conducive to "work" as far as this forum is concerned. "Work" is not limited to the last year. "Work" that has been performed over a number of years of course will show better. "Work" that is unbelievable in one year may show better to the judge than poor work over a number of years. Yes there is cause for celebration for everyone.

Your response to this post should look like this:

6 years in training


One year ago

final contest.JPG
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After read this morning I may have not made myself clear. Post your before and after in this thread so they will all be in one place to compile. Your updates in individual threads can also be done. I am just short on time right now with the needs of my spouse and the work she used to do. Thanks Al.
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