Stewartia Pseudocamellia

I agree so much better, Owen was sure I'd snap it... he kept making cracking sounds in the background. :D
They are supposedly finicky and tough to get to grow in a pot, but I have not had many issues with this one. So if you do just take your time reducing it. Is your seedling a Pseudocamellia or Monadelpha? I'd also love to see your group plantings.

That's a good question, I forget which one I have. I think I got them from Bill V, but it could have been Matt O who is selling monodelpha. If I had to guess, the one in my yard is pseudocamilia because the flowers are a good 2"+ in diameter. The group plantings are likely monodelpha, but they have been very slow growing in a training container (I'd take a picture but they are a mass of leaves at the moment and not much else to look at).
Here is the tree after repot, wiring and adding a bridge to keep moving that secondary trunk. It's getting better, lots of new young inner shoots....
View attachment 184001
Looking good @JudyB! Definitely love the second trunk, good choice on going with that. Looking forward to seeing it keep progressing!
It’s got a nice spread, and the second trunk is poppin...but I want to pick one or the other where the main trunk forks at the top. The right is gentler, but the left makes more sense. What to do...?
It’s got a nice spread, and the second trunk is poppin...but I want to pick one or the other where the main trunk forks at the top. The right is gentler, but the left makes more sense. What to do...?
May I ask why the left makes more sense?
The left is too far away for it to work alone. I imagine I'll be cutting waaaay back on the left side maybe back to the little new branch starting up at the base of the left sub trunk. And maybe keeping some of the far left branching to use as well. I've got a lot of downward dips in these branches, they tend to backbud where you do that.
It’s got a nice spread, and the second trunk is poppin...but I want to pick one or the other where the main trunk forks at the top. The right is gentler, but the left makes more sense. What to do...?
The left is too far away for it to work alone. I imagine I'll be cutting waaaay back on the left side maybe back to the little new branch starting up at the base of the left sub trunk. And maybe keeping some of the far left branching to use as well. (I'm not crazy about that area either...)
I've got a lot of downward dips in these branches, they tend to backbud where you do that.
The left is too far away for it to work alone. I imagine I'll be cutting waaaay back on the left side maybe back to the little new branch starting up at the base of the left sub trunk. And maybe keeping some of the far left branching to use as well. (I'm not crazy about that area either...)
I've got a lot of downward dips in these branches, they tend to backbud where you do that.
For me it feels better just taking away the long upper branch going right. I'm guessing that you, @JudyB wired it there thinking of a mother-daughter image where the bigger/mother sorta hovers over or protects the little/daughter.


Take away the heavy left branch like @Brian Van Fleet suggests and the image becomes quite static with the long upper right (that I shopped out) or not. So stable and serene as to be almost, if not actually, boring.

As I edited Judy's pic, it could be a father-son image (father going away from the little guy), but the motion of the little guy is going away from dad. It would be more like classic father-son if the branches of the son went toward dad, opposite how they are now. Imagining that, I see a windswept image (call it 'breezy') with the way @JudyB has wired the branches (wind coming from lower right). IMHO, it is worth thinking about. That could be quite interesting. It sounds trite, but you're wiring the branches consistent with what I've seen on great windswept bonsai (Robert Steven stuff).
This is all very interesting conversation. I will be looking at the tree with all these ideas in mind. There are a few spots that bother me, so it's in no way an image set in concrete. I just got a lot of new back budded branches, so will see what can be done with all this new growth. Thanks for taking the time to think about this and offer up suggestions. There are so many ways this thing can go...
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