
I have a hawk that kills things in the backyard. That damn hawk is huge and I’ve seen several times dive down and kill right in front of me like 10ft away once. I rescued a baby squirrel the hawk killed the rest of the babies. I used to feed the squirrels. I never have had problems with them or chipmunks. It’s the birds looking for worms.
I've written elsewhere about the squirrels that systematically ate the tops of a dozen European beech 2-year old seedlings in my yard. My big poodle didn't deter them. My nursery sells bottled bobcat urine and that seemed effective. I've also had success with a few mothballs in each pot, but then it's not so nice to spend time with my trees!
yeah, I have tried pepper, urine, live trapping and found them all ineffective, some almost comically ineffective. I've been dealing with the issue for 30 years now and have been driven by desperation. I've had damage to my house and garden in that time, not just bonsai. I've found that steel wool, snakes and death are the best deterrents for squirrels. And FWIW, don't fool yourself with live trapping. I've hired trappers to catch nuisance squirrels and raccoons that were damaging my house. Live trappers are are required to be used by county ordinance here (as opposed to poison and shooting) for nuisance animals. Trapper told me the animals he traps are released in the wild 50 miles away, but said most are dead in 24 hours as the local population of squirrels or raccoons or whatever kill the new animal out of territoriality.

Not crapping on you, your methods or whatever. You are not even mentioned in my response. You seem to be to have some kind of personal involvement here for some reason.

I was the only one discussing human urine, which you mentioned as "particularly laughable"...

Could just say "sorry I offended you"..


We're all good, though... I only stay offended for a few seconds.

AND our positive interactions outweigh our stupid ones, like this!

I maintain a bird-feeder about 15 feet from my office window that looks out into my back yard. The squirrels who would wander into my yard end up there on the regular.
I also keep an air rifle at the ready. I bought it to kill the three squirrels that kept eating my trees and breaking my pots.
It turns out, there were way more than three. And that air rifle is the only thing that works.
Check the rules in your area. In California, the native gray squirrel population is generally protected. Red squirrels not so much.

Hehe!! Like 2 out of every 5 people here are armed..

So waving around air weapons would get me shot!



We used to get paid to hunt red squirrels with 16ga.

They DESTROY buildings!

Get some thin gauge aluminum wire and stitch the rip in the screen.
Yes, squirrels are a constant problem with bonsai--chipmunks are worse. They're rodents. They chew, they're destructive and smart and they instinctively dig in soil to find stuff.

They are only put off by death. They will keep returning and ripping the screen to get in (and it is likely they caused the screen damage) Repellants (pepper, vinegar, pee --human pee is particularly laughable), scare crows or other "scary" objects only do their job for about ten minutes until the little a@@#$%^s figure out that the scary thing won't actually DO anything to them.

Make the mistake of feeding the little Ba$@!#% and you've shot yourself in the foot.

The way I avoid squirrel damage to my trees (and we have a huge population of the rodents) is allowing predators to eat the little mofos, AND growing BIG bonsai in coarse soil. THe bigger the bonsai, the less damage they can inflict. The coarse soil (crushed granite or pumice) has sharp edges on particles that is unpleasant to dig through with those little paws.

My best squirrel deterrent/disposal unit

That is an AWESOME snake, by the way!

I remember, moving from Norfolk to Detroit area at about 6 years old, and my parents saying, "now you can trust the bugs and reptiles more!"

I bought a window screen and cut to any shape to cover the soil keeping birds and squirrels from digging. I also use a live trap which I caught a lot of squirrels and pellet to the head when caught. I stopped killing them because it never end and the neighbor's yard was becoming a burial for dead squirrels and rats.
I find it interesting that this topic occurs so frequently and with such vehemence. Whatever works for you, works for you. There is no silver bullet for squirrels that is all inclusive. I doubt that many of you have as many squirrels as we have. At any time you can look out any window of my oak and hickory festooned property and see a dozen squirrels. Aside from the fact that they have been here on this land for many dozens of generations, I try not to interfere with them any more than necessary. (I am guilty of feeding them treats.) Yes, they have caused a bit of destruction from time to time, but so have the owls in my koi pond, or the bear that was sitting in the pond last summer or the bears that rearrange the porch from time to time. No more than the possums, or raccoons rummaging around. We also have foxes, coyote, nesting hawks and occasional eagles, and all of the other critters that were here long before me. None of these creatures has ever intended any evil action (but maybe my cats have, they are more human).
Again, though it seems I have posted this a dozen times, the hot dried peppers work well for me, but they are messy. Peppermint oil is very repulsive to gnawing critters. I just spay randomly around the plants with it, targeting wood, stone and block structures and on the mulch as well. It works really fast but does not last long. And in those areas that are most exposed to the woods around me, I have been using fox and coyote urine granules to great effect with fewer applications. Everything I use I buy from Amazon.
pellet to the head when caught. I stopped killing them because it never end
Interesting story that relates to this. When we moved here 34 years ago, there was a lot more critter activity than there is now. After living here a few weeks, I went out with my scoped 22 rifle and sot 13 squirrels in less than an hour. There was no challenge, but they did make great stew. That may have been the last time I actively hunted. Anyway, after harvesting that bakers dozen the population jumped threefold the following year.
I find it interesting that this topic occurs so frequently and with such vehemence. Whatever works for you, works for you. There is no silver bullet for squirrels that is all inclusive. I doubt that many of you have as many squirrels as we have. At any time you can look out any window of my oak and hickory festooned property and see a dozen squirrels. Aside from the fact that they have been here on this land for many dozens of generations, I try not to interfere with them any more than necessary. (I am guilty of feeding them treats.) Yes, they have caused a bit of destruction from time to time, but so have the owls in my koi pond, or the bear that was sitting in the pond last summer or the bears that rearrange the porch from time to time. No more than the possums, or raccoons rummaging around. We also have foxes, coyote, nesting hawks and occasional eagles, and all of the other critters that were here long before me. None of these creatures has ever intended any evil action (but maybe my cats have, they are more human).
Again, though it seems I have posted this a dozen times, the hot dried peppers work well for me, but they are messy. Peppermint oil is very repulsive to gnawing critters. I just spay randomly around the plants with it, targeting wood, stone and block structures and on the mulch as well. It works really fast but does not last long. And in those areas that are most exposed to the woods around me, I have been using fox and coyote urine granules to great effect with fewer applications. Everything I use I buy from Amazon.
I've had lots of fun with wildlife in my life. For whatever reasons, when I am calm, they let me be near and interact with them. I've petted deer, squirrels, birds, rabbits, and even fish in the water. However, when I am in hunting/fishing mood, things change quickly :)
PS: There are few things more exhilarating than seeing a gator walking on your land, chasing it, and grabbing it by the tail. I stop when they get to 7 ft. Like water boy says, they get ornery when they are that big or bigger.
For me, a friend built wood and wire frame cages for the orchids and bonsai to summer in. Roughly 4 ft x 3 ft x 3 ft. Covered in quarter inch hardware cloth. All 6 sides covered in hardware cloth. Whole top was hinged to serve as door to access plants inside. This works. Bottom being covered prevents bastards digging in, under and up. It's not attractive, but very effective, and no noxious bodily fluids required.

I have a pistol, but my lawyer encouraged me not to use it on squirrels. I have used rat poison in the past, for urban rats, but issue with poisons is that often the intended victim will be partially incapacitated, then end up prey to a raptor or coyote that I don't want to harm . So cages, while ugly, are a good solution.

One of the Milwaukee Bonsai society members, she collects old bird cages. She sands them, paints them then puts them around her yard, each with a tree in its own cage. Oddly artistic. And the cages keep squirrels out.
One of the Milwaukee Bonsai society members, she collects old bird cages. She sands them, paints them then puts them around her yard, each with a tree in its own cage. Oddly artistic. And the cages keep squirrels out.
Really love this. I used to have several houseplants in flea market birdhouse finds.
I've had lots of fun with wildlife in my life. For whatever reasons, when I am calm, they let me be near and interact with them.
Before some other issues intervened, I used to go on like hikes in Shenandoah NP almost daily, often for some days. I had some exceptional encounters with everything from centipedes to bears. To this day I am amazed how special every life is when you are in its habitat as opposed to these creatures being in your habitat. .
I just got hit again! red squirrels! still not messing with my trees but my plants are dwindling...little bastages! they seem to really be enjoying my topsoil. the spiny black olive did not do its job properly, was really hoping it would poke them, they go ow! and then decide its not worth it...but nope...GD squirrel party over here. LOL

I am going to get some gorilla tape and see if i cant tape the damn thing down LOL
Interesting story that relates to this. When we moved here 34 years ago, there was a lot more critter activity than there is now. After living here a few weeks, I went out with my scoped 22 rifle and sot 13 squirrels in less than an hour. There was no challenge, but they did make great stew. That may have been the last time I actively hunted. Anyway, after harvesting that bakers dozen the population jumped threefold the following year.
That is funny. Ive heard of this same effect from killing coyotes. The pressure just causes the mothers to breed more, gestate quicker, and have larger litter sizes.
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