Kepplers contribution for 2016 on sniping and bickering.

Well, actually, Boon does say that he learned most of what he teaches (if not all) from Kamiya. He doesn't claim to have invented this stuff. Even "Boon Mix". He will tell you that his mix is a copy of what he used as an apprentice in Japan. Or, as close as possible with materials locally available. On the video I posted, he even states that akadama is not necessary, if you don't have access to it. And what to do to make up for it.

This is why I love this this site... while you all are tumbling and having a good scuffle I just patiently sit in the back waiting for nuggets like this to fall out of your pockets.

Now I'm off to find the video...

Happy New Year Everyone! Here's to not having a teacher but still learning their stuff anyway!

Edit - Found it! Good tip, thanks for the freebie Boon ;)
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I don't know anyone who was sorry to see 2015 end. Mine sucked a bit, but apparently not nearly as much as yours. I hope 2016 is a better year for you and anyone else who needs a boost...good luck.
You and everyone else as well!
My goal is to be better with bonsai in 2016 than I was in 2015. I hope to bury some demons, and to rejoice in my life. At 70 there is not that much left, from family history could be as many as 40 or as few as 7, one never knows---could be tomorrow.
I think this is a good goal. I look forward to seeing your work!
Please share!

The whole vid is worth a watch especially for a beginner (repotting, trimming etc.), but the above mentioned "soil advice" tidbit is after 17:50 - and I didn't spend a cent on it... makes me wonder how many other tidbits are on youtube ripe for the plucking...
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Would like to add my own personal contribution to 2016.

I am tired of all of it.

I just want to do Bonsai.

The year 2015, has been for me one of the crappiest years of my 44 years of existence. I have had to sadly endure so much sorrow and pain through multiple loss of love ones, and through Family struck with grief. Me and my wife are so financial in debt over medical expenses that we will probably end up spending the rest of our lives and then some trying to just climb out from under it. At times, I don't even know how we even manage to get out if bed and carry on...

I have never been one to really discuss personal issues with others, because I have always felt why should I burden others with this, I am sure everyone has their own issues that are just as bad and in some way we are all just struggling to hold on at times...

I have never had an easy life and sadly have spent a good half or more of it, trying to quite literally bury my ownself with either drugs, alcohol, or reckless behavior. Art, and the meeting if my wife, for me has been the only real thing in life that has managed to hold all of it together.

It has quite literally through the years been the only ray of hope in a world that has often been not so shiney.

After meeting my wife, this began to change... I had a purpose. I began to feel I had value. Allow me to pat myself on the back for moment... for I began to realize I had real talent and hopefully could make a difference. And I want to make a difference. .. for life now seems to have a purpose.

I have managed to dig myself out of all the mess I have created for myself and no longer seek to just bury myself. I want to live. As I have sat and watched folks who have passed being remembered for what they have contributed, 2015 has made me really question what it is I want folks to remember me by.

All, I hope in 2016, is that I can stay the course and give them something better to remember. I don't think so far, I would like what they would remember.

Sawgrass, you certainly have talent and more importantly a fantastic attitude and an obvious desire to share bonsai with others (your posts are
evidence of this). I'm sorry to hear you have walked a rugged, and recently painful, path. I appreciate you sharing your struggles...they remind me of some of the most jaw dropping "trees in nature" I've ever seen. Seems as though the most beautiful ones are sculpted by endless battles between the harshest elements the world can wield and a relentless spirit to survive and flourish anyway. They stand as some of the finest examples of what strength really "lives" like. My wish for you is better "weather" in 2016, some that will allow you to grow and serve in peace.
I can well imagine this site being moderated and only one of these arrogant masterpieces (that think the site belongs to only them) being banned for a week. Instantly all the brothers of the shit on you committee will have a drastic change in attetude, that would send the potential of this forum into the stratosphere.
If you think you're being cryptic here, it's worth noting that only 6 active members are in the category you keep roasting, calling arrogant, trying to change, and now, wanting to see them, er us, banned. So we are clear, here are just a few images from the people you want to hear less from.

@Dav4 Japanese red pine on the right in a large Regional show, the Carolina Bonsai Expo:
@Smoke the trident in the back left won an award at California's Kazari expo:
@JudyB a hackberry shown in an Ohio area show:
One of @Vance Wood Mugo projects at a show in Michigan:
@Brian Van Fleet collected hawthorn at the US National exhibition in NY:
And @sorce ...ok, well, he's really in your corner.

Until you show BonsaiNut that your work and efforts can replace others' contributions, and launch this forum into the stratosphere, you're simply cutting off your nose to spite your face. If we bother you this much, then I wonder what your goal is here, cause it must not be producing bonsai like you see above.
So you see the shit on you committee as a round 6...? Rallying the troops are you? Why include poor Judy? She has only bonsai on her mind...unlike you and the like.
I can also imagine if your attetude was as stunning as your trees....!
My goal is the same as the others waiting in the shadows...we only want to join in into a sort of civilized environment.
Because of the likes of you lot I think its futile actually....I see JohnG has tried the same thing as of as far back as 2008.
Nah you lot has made your minds up...this place belongs to you and you alone.
I hope this site never gets moderated.
So you see the shit on you committee as a round 6...? Rallying the troops are you? Why include poor Judy? She has only bonsai on her mind...unlike you and the like.
I can also imagine if your attetude was as stunning as your trees....!
My goal is the same as the others waiting in the shadows...we only want to join in into a sort of civilized environment.
Because of the likes of you lot I think its futile actually....I see JohnG has tried the same thing as of as far back as 2008.
Nah you lot has made your minds up...this place belongs to you and you alone.
I must have missed something, where does your anger come from?
Smoke I really admire your bonsai abilities and achievements. I started off reading your blog and loved it. I since deleted it from my favourites because I can't get myself so far to learn from anyone that I don't respect. Most of these jokers are up your ass and taking their lead from you. You are the main one that can make a real difference here.
There are so many looming in the dark that has valuable contributions to make.
As I see's up to you to stick to your word and make it a better 2016 here.
Mr. Fredman
I am reminded of a person that has not been here long. Sergio, Mach5 who came here, posted some quality work showed his willingness to help others. He has been a very active and supporting member here. People here that bitch and complain and never participate only reap what they sow. Hopefully 2016 will be the year you start contributing here. I'm not sure what sticking to my word has to do with any thing. The "post reply"and "upload a file" button is not moderated by me?
Wow, I didn't realise that years could be so bad, especially for an Artist [ Stacy ].
I am both humbled and confused.
Good Day

* Rule one and two given to us by Brazilian Hackers in 98.

[1] Look for no friends or compassion on the Internet.
[2] Take no personal problems to the Internet

It is a cold hard place.
I must have missed something, where does your anger come from?
Nah no anger. Only frustrations.
sticking to my word has to do with any thing.
My apologies smoke. I only scanned through your post on top and the message I wrongly took from that was that your aim for 2016 was to be a peace maker.
It acertainly isn't bitch and moan. Actually I was foolishly sticking my neck out, trying my bit to bring some calm and order in this chaotic bickering and infighting. I realise now its futile and was foolish of me to even try. I've burnt my bridges in the process but that really don't bother me much. I don't and will never fit in here.
I don't see my trees as "work". I have a complete different outlook on bonsai and are now more than ever convinced of that.
I'll explain myself better when i'm back home on my more user friendly computer. This mobile and shitty connection confockulates the issue...
Luckely the weather is improving and so is my cabin fever...!!!
Grimmy, much this thread has been my posts about your "Charlie Brown" tree. IF you had stayed in that bread that your intent was to make a Charlie Brown tree, I would have said it was well done. But, no, you didn't. If I remember correctly, the tread was a newbie asking about wiring, yes? So, you chose as an example of quality wiring a tree purposely designed to look ugly? And you wonder why everyone is confused?

Look, beginners are confused enough. I try to make it simple. Once the simple concepts are mastered, THEN the student is ready to "break the rules".

Here is the thread and a quote of what I said, simply put you attempted to tear me a new ass, others jumped in, and all for no good reason. Hell, instead of asking why I did such against the grain bends on that ECD you just ponded on the fact they were improper. Read what I said when I posted the example - I used bold and underline to make it more clear here- to Dave in another earlier post - post #9

"Needed to simply pull these branches down for now. Orange shows the Anchor and Green shows the 45 degree wrap. This is not as neat or in copper or aluminum but a picture will give you a better idea. This one is a quick wire down before the branches became to brittle to work with at all and they where all upright."

Do you read or? Says a quick temporary bend down, Picture shows an arrow pointing to an Anchor and an Arrow pointing to a wrap. So the OP had a friggin clue what everyone was talking about and trying to keep it "civil".

Perhaps you need to make a resolution to "read" before "sniping" as well as several others here. There was nothing unclear in what I typed or had shown. You were all just being oddly aggressive...


ADD: So you and others can sleep well the tree will be undecorated and wire removed next weekend along with all of the house decorations.
And @sorce ...ok, well, he's really in your corner.

You know what really bothers me about this......I didn't get the alert! If BVF is talking to me....I gotta know! Oh yeah....I'll never miss it anyway!

@sawgrass In watching the course....the heading is correct....stay it stronger!
Fuck Yesterday!

will never fit in here.
Fuck that too Fredman.....

There are three types of people here....

The smallest group....You and I, who feel this way and aren't afraid to say it.

Middle size group.....the ones who feel like you and I, but don't post at all.

Biggest size group, everyone, who also feel as we do, but are afraid to say it because they don't believe it possible.

Point is.....we all feel this way....we just have to make it feel "normal".
When the "peace clique" is the Biggest!
If you leave I'm fucked!

@GrimLore Good Mourning!

Here is the thread and a quote of what I said, simply put you attempted to tear me a new ass, others jumped in, and all for no good reason. Hell, instead of asking why I did such against the grain bends on that ECD you just ponded on the fact they were improper. Read what I said when I posted the example - I used bold and underline to make it more clear here- to Dave in another earlier post - post #9

"Needed to simply pull these branches down for now. Orange shows the Anchor and Green shows the 45 degree wrap. This is not as neat or in copper or aluminum but a picture will give you a better idea. This one is a quick wire down before the branches became to brittle to work with at all and they where all upright."

Do you read or? Says a quick temporary bend down, Picture shows an arrow pointing to an Anchor and an Arrow pointing to a wrap. So the OP had a friggin clue what everyone was talking about and trying to keep it "civil".

Perhaps you need to make a resolution to "read" before "sniping" as well as several others here. There was nothing unclear in what I typed or had shown. You were all just being oddly aggressive...


ADD: So you and others can sleep well the tree will be undecorated and wire removed next weekend along with all of the house decorations.
Grimmy, the problem is not that I can't read. The problem is you didn't ever explain why you styled such weepy branches. In fact you went on to describe how this was to be a part of a group planting.

I then included diagrams how to make the bends happen where the branch joins the trunk. Never did you say you made it weepy on purpose.

I didn't try to rip you a new one. I was trying to educate the OP. Many beginners don't know how to make the branch bend at the joint. It was a teaching opportunity.

If you had said you PURPOSELY styled this as a Charlie Brown tree, there's no issue. But you didn't. I can read words. But not your mind.

Sorry if I upset you. It's a new year. Let's put this behind us and go on to create great new bonsai!

I bet your Charlie Brown tree came out great. Got a picture?
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