Well this is how it should be. You, as a high end professional, should not be having to teach horticulture. Then, by that extension, you can not easily teach how to convey emotion and artistry either. Van Gogh could no doubt teach how paint, but not how to create his artwork. That would just seem like a monumental waste when he could be creating more art himself. “Those who can not do, teach”, is the usual phrase that comes to mind so maybe that should extend to, “Those who can create beauty, shouldn’t have time for teaching.”
You create the art, create the inspiration, keep showing what people can aspire to. Make your money from selling art. Maybe have an apprentice or two who can then teach as they work their way up to master level, if needs be. Or, have people come to you on a very limited basis from time to time. That is the role of the pro in my eyes, not to be a travelling showman.
Anyone with sufficient experience can teach the fundamentals of bonsai. From my viewpoint, as a beginner (maybe naively) it isn’t complicated. It is not the techniques and horticultural applications which are difficult, it’s almost like a flowchart. When this happens do this, in this situation do that or don’t do that. It is the artistry and nuances which are the difficult and hard to convey parts. That is where pros should make their dough, if they really must teach.