I could not resist

I have been watching this thread, and am sort of on the fence about it. The reason is that the trunk curves back in so far under the secondary trunk and that bothers me. It's also hard to see what is actually going on, because you are taking pictures from too high above the tree. Take them across the pot. I'd like to see angles where the secondary trunk is on either side of the main trunk but just as it starts to show separation from the main. Where a slice of daylight is between them. Your pictures so far are in front, or beside, but not at the angle that my eye would like to see if there is potential for the front there. I agree with Adair for the chop up top on the main. I'm a big proponent of multi trunks, but something about this one at the viewing angle doesn't do it for me. It looks like the top of the tree does have a definite lean towards one side, if this is true, then that side may want to be the front as it can be problematic for the other side to work unless you regrow enough of it to come toward your chosen front.

Your pic in post 22 has the secondary coming too much right at the viewer. Try turning it to the right until it's just not straight at the front.

Thanks for the reply i will take some more pics tomorrow from more angles and with a plain background from the hight of the pot.
This was my proposed front i had in mind so i will take some more pics rotating around from this angle but with a better background and lower down.
Work this as your front.

Intresting it has a great base at this angle but the problem i see is the 2nd trunk starts around the back.
If i improve the base from my perposed front would that help change your mind on that.
Or do you not see the 2nd being a problem starting around the back.
And try different angles, put a block under the pot and tip it when you take the photos. That can really change it up. I like Lances, but want to see it a little more counter-clockwise so I can see the attachment point of the secondary more.
Just read this. Rob, when you take new pics, try and take them against a flat, clean background. That is the best way to tell exactly what is going on.
Just read this. Rob, when you take new pics, try and take them against a flat, clean background. That is the best way to tell exactly what is going on.
Yeah i will do tomorrow i will try and get a white background and take alot more pics tomorrow and upload them.
I would like to have your opinions and thought on the tree and hopefully to get some advice from you as i have read alot of your maple progression threads and there a great read.
Ok so i took a alot more pics like hopefully you have asked for. @MACH5 - @JudyB.
The only problem i had was lighting but hopefully you can see what you need to to help me out a bit.
This is the whole tree roatating around anticlockwise.
20170207_132109.jpg 20170207_132129.jpg 20170207_132144.jpg 20170207_132200.jpg 20170207_132235.jpg
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I personally like these two with the first branch/smaller trunk going to the back. And then that one in the post I said wow.

But of course, take it please as my conclusion an view. Am still learning and want to know the others' opinions. Good exercise, watching your thread.
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I personally like these two with the first branch/smaller trunk going to the back. And then that one in the post I said wow.

But of course, take it please as my conclusion an view. Am still learning and want to know the others' opinions. Good exercise, watching your thread.
Thanks for you views.
Hopefully i will gather enough opinions and views to add to my own to do the right thing for this tree going forward.
I really like the material and want it to be the best i can make it.
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I take it you dont like the daughter tree or lower branch at all then.
Not necessarily, overall movement of the tree and branch placement ,appeal to me the most in that pic.
If you can live without that branch,it seems that there will be more elegance in the tree and it looks like the apex problem would be easier to solve.
For me it would be a shame not to use the lower trunk on this tree. Certainly it can be designed to work without it. A few possibilities here. From the photos, the view that attracted me the most was the second pic down.

Here is a quick virt using that view.


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    Screen Shot 2017-02-08 at 12.36.46 PM.png
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Thanks @MACH5 for taking the time to create that virt. That for me would be an awsome end result, i really liked the lower trunk when i chose the tree in the first place so i will keep it as a feature.
I will keep that virt and use it for some guidance going forward as i really think the image will be achievable.
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