Yeah the blue line will mean i can keep a bit of height and just improve the top taper and still grow a bit more height back.
On the blue line there are already 3 branches that could take over the leader or maybe it will develop more buds at the cut point.
The yellow line will work aswell but i would not be able to put height back on the tree and would have to build the height at that height. But that could still work.
What time of the year would be best to carry a chop out on in the uk?
Here is a bit I copied from another thread:
"Option 2 is to chop after the leaves have hardened (or sooner) in late spring. If you chop then you do it when the roots are depleted. They spent a great deal of energy to produce all the spring growth. This is not conducive to developing a new leader unless you want a weak one with close internodes, like if you're planning to develop a new apex or branching with closer internodes."
This was written by MarkyScott, in a thread started by Thumbless Primate: "TP Trident".
Another thread to read - in its entirety- is MarkyScott's thread: "Ebihara Maples".