Just about ready for cuttings
These are developing rather quickly at 16 days.The stems are starting to go red and
I’ve heard this is optimal time for cuttings.
I’m thinking I may only leave 1/2” of stem since rooting in Rockwool and very stable environment in a humidity dome.
Going to Dip & Grow ,then also seal up with Clonex Gel so no embolism in the stem.It is actually weaker strength than the quick dip.Although I will dip for at least a couple minutes.Jonas at Bonsaitonight said 5 minutes!
I also learned it is best to take cuttings at end of light cycle because the plant has been photosynthesis all day and has more energy in top for cutting!
If you were to take in morning all the created energy had went downward to roots over night.
I foliar fed with Fulvic Acid and Kelp last night.
Along with Calcium and Amino Acids and other Bio Stimulants in the root drench.
I want to get these active as I can,so they are pumped up when I proceed with cuttings.Probably a couple days on many of them.
Got a nice humidifier from Honeywell.Has uv light to kill bacteria.
I put it on a timer at 1 hr on/half hour off.
Keeps it between 40-60% relative humidity.