Gotta love BIN options...

You ever see the Egret Flower?

I think that would be sweet in there.

But I am picturing......some kind of plant that looks like a croaker bubble....
If one exists!

And the single stem with flower as a tongue snacking.

Either way.....I would grow a stem out of the middle ..... But grow it with the pot on it grows straight up out of the hole....and then tilt it down for pics and display......

So it comes out at about 2 o'clock instead of twelve.


I didn't know my accent plants overly well. No, I didn't know what an egret flower was until I googled it. Pretty neat flower! Yeah I thought of possibly something to make it look like it was catching a fly...but, until then that moss ball. So it looked like a sphere...(but, I too thought about making it a bit more pronounced for a croaker throat) great minds eh?

Thanks for the suggestion...yes...may have to carve something to allow this frog to sit at different angle possibly. Time will tell. Thought about planting a small tray I have and making a divit for him to rest in it. If I wanted to go with that angle change for a planting as well.

Appreiciate the suggestions...
I was going to bid on this! I wanted to plant pitcher plant in it to look like a tongue catching flies. Congrats on getting a nice pot!

Ahhh see it was wise of me to do the BIN...sorry I nabbed this from you. Well...only a little bit. My entire landscape has frogs/toads scattered about. So I felt it fitting to come home with me,

Thanks for passing along your thought process of a planting. I recall that planting going in an auction for a benefit but didn't know the name of it. But was quite admired it. Food for thought. I guess nothing is settled in stone...for now as to what I do. So many great suggestions.
I can't get Pacman out of my head!

Lol then my husband should very well like it. Guys and video

I actually thought of my dog photo editing was done with this photo. He yawned so big...I was afraid he would swallow his face!
I thought that was photoshopped!

Oh S. Monkeys and toads again!

What about some of these monkey faced orchids?
Never grown an orchid, but don't these look like fun...if a little eerie.....

View attachment 88867

Unsual plant...seen them selling on eBay and thought it a hoax. Lol yeah, the two combined would confuse my mind...a frog/toad trying to eat a monkey...I see nightmares from that scenario. But a cool plant none the less.

I thought that was photoshopped!

Oh S. Monkeys and toads again!


I have a feeling I missed a thread or two around here. Lol
Very cool pot! Nice score.
And most excellently understanding at that.....I know...wrong thread.....

But I thought you would have ignored me a long time Ago!

Very respectable! Can't text the righteousness righteous enough!


You've never personally attacked why would you need on my ignore list? Your amusing that's for sure. If it's something that isn't addressed to me. Then, I shouldn't get offended...that would be like my being offended at two people having a heated discussion assuming it was my business and it wasn't. I'm just plain vanilla...honest.
You,being a lady with morals and scruples don't really need to watch that.

Lol missed your, I back out of things I'm uncomfortable with...I can still be ornery though...especially when tired. I'm human...I trip into the gutter occasionally. But, yes...morals and have me pegged. Spent a lot of time with my grandparents...I think they really had a big hand on how I behave.

Now mind you...I've been gullible and dense and put myself in places and paid for it...being pegged the lake's exhibitionist. By being quite dense...and not wanting tan lines. Forgetting myself when a bee landed on me. Not caring there was a full beach or not, not thinking past anything other than not get stung my only thought process without the thought of modesty. Yeah...I have a few stories like that. Unintentional outbursts but still made a stir in our community. I can laugh at myself...but GOODNESS it seemed no one was willing to forget that day. Lol it's still brought up today even with much sport. If you can't laugh at yourself then that's a shame.
Hahahahaaaa! I bet! Some people,right?

Lol yeah, right!?! There is more to the husband built a private railing around our balcony off the bedroom so I could lay out there...sounds reasonable...right? No more offering up free shows.

So I'm laying out there working on a tan...didn't think twice when the neighbor guy stopped to talk to me. My being behind my privacy railing and all. Never thought to second he knew I was up there. Good 10 minutes went by when he suggested I place sheeting or something around the bottom of the railing. (That we left open just a tad to sweep off leaves and such.) Ahhhh yup hubby invested in a tanning bed for me.

I think it's amusing because...I did it out of innocence...who would have thunk it. exhibisionist! That was just on my tanning experiences. Thinking there were two more incidents here at the lake at other times. But not do to my tanning. Well...maybe the one of the two was. Who comes to your house late at night...!?!...We won't get into that. But, trust me...I may have morals...and scruples. But sometimes I lack in common sense. Lol we'll leave it there. Makes for good stories and laughs. They even had a shirt printed up for me..."lake exhibisionist" yup...I was famous in my community for some time. Lol
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