Flowers 2018

Spring is behind the door! Visiting my mother and checking my wintering trees I found this ground grown winter jasmine opening first flowers.
winter jasmine 2018.jpg

...and can't wait to collect this one...few more weeks.
lonicera 1 2018 01.jpg

I love the yellow Mai Vang.
Is the first flower, the double yellow a Chrysanthemum? Or is a a double flowered Mai Vang? (Ochna sp,)? If it is the double flower Ochna, I want to know where I can get one. I was told that the double flower Ochna will bloom as single flowers until they are an older, more ramified, more established tree, then they switch to the double flowers. Is this true?

My Ochna is just a few years old, I'll check for flowers, but I doubt it will have any, I have hardly any branching yet.

I love the yellow Mai Vang.
Is the first flower, the double yellow a Chrysanthemum? Or is a a double flowered Mai Vang? (Ochna sp,)? If it is the double flower Ochna, I want to know where I can get one. I was told that the double flower Ochna will bloom as single flowers until they are an older, more ramified, more established tree, then they switch to the double flowers. Is this true?

My Ochna is just a few years old, I'll check for flowers, but I doubt it will have any, I have hardly any branching yet.
First is a mum, in Vietnamese is cúc đại đóa. I guess it could be called double petal. It will bloom bigger. I'm not sure if my Ochna is double. And I don't know enough about how they might develop to have more petals.I will have to ask one of my uncles this new year reunion.

I love the yellow Mai Vang.
Is the first flower, the double yellow a Chrysanthemum? Or is a a double flowered Mai Vang? (Ochna sp,)? If it is the double flower Ochna, I want to know where I can get one. I was told that the double flower Ochna will bloom as single flowers until they are an older, more ramified, more established tree, then they switch to the double flowers. Is this true?

My Ochna is just a few years old, I'll check for flowers, but I doubt it will have any, I have hardly any branching yet.
I noticed these different blossoms on same tree this morning. Sorry for low quality pictures. In hurry.
I noticed these different blossoms on same tree this morning. Sorry for low quality pictures. In hurry.
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Thank you Martin, your picture pretty much verifies what I was told. I hope my Mai Vang adapts to my climate, outside in summer, indoors for winter, and settles down to mostly double flowers. Thanks & Happy New Year.
I've posted flowers from this one before, but the profusion of blooms on it right now, is something. It needs repotting badly, but I've been waiting until it's done blooming.

Hi Carol, when a Phalaenopsis orchid is well grown, they can be in flower 10 months of the year. Don't wait for flowers to finish before repotting. Keep an eye on the base where roots emerge. When you see new root buds appear, that is the perfect time to repot. Repot even if it is still in bloom. You can keep the flowers, or cut the flowers off, up to you, I usually leave the flowers. If I broke too many roots, the flowers will wilt and fall off, but once new roots take over, the flower stem will elongate and produce more flowers. Or you can cut the stem off, but then it might take until the next spring to get a new flower stem.

Usually I see new root buds sometime in May. May-June is the ideal months to repot Phalaenopsis orchids.

Nice pink.
I have a few flowerings popping out all over the yard so I thought I'd join the party. Here are a few:



Boxwood (these stink, smell like cat pee):

Contorted Quince ( the flowers fade to pink as they age):

Unknown Grocery Store Azalea, grown from cutting:


Serissa "flor planeo":

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