First-time poster here. I'm also in Switzerland (Léman region) and also started bonsai in 2014 with two ficus (the ones sold as ficus ginseng). I learned a lot with these trees as they survive pretty much anything (severe or multiple repottings, out-of-season work, wiring and rewiring constantly, you name it).
However, contrary to what a lot of people report here, I can fortunately say that I have never experienced leaf drop. The only time I lost a ficus was when I repotted, pruned and wired a cutting all at the same time, and just months after striking it...
I had the luck of finding articles on Ficus from Jerry Meislik when I started out. These are a few of the outstanding points which I think can help you succeed with ficus:
- Soil: very free draining (I use the classic Akadama Pumice Lava).
- Indoor lights: I use full spectrum fluorescent lights (Narva Biovital, but I think it is sold under another name now). I turn them on when the sun rises and turn them off when it is getting dark outside.
- Watering: practically every day, even during winter (hence the importance of very free draining soil).
- Fertilizing: I fertilize A LOT (pellets and liquid, all organic) almost all year round (I stop around November and restart February).
- Also, I bring them outside as soon as the temps get to an average of 10° C. On sunny and warm winter days, I also bring them out.
Best of luck to you and your trees!
PS: very nervous as this is my first post...but I just couldn't resist sharing with a fellow Swiss resident!