Extended season starting trees indoors

Hey dude do you have a vendor online you purchase from?
Definately recommend a hydro store....I can almost guarantee there is one within 1 hour from you......get the big bags of #2 perlite for $30 ...likewise the course grade killer vermiculite......great additive no more than 25-33%
Also most nutrients.......mine does not carry the powders though
Always cross check price with Amazon make sure no greed involved.
Posts# 423,535 of this thread....
Also bio-stimulant hydroponics thread

These small chojubai seem to be growing fast.I have a red and three white.
I keep the red in 1000 ppm co2 in a very small tent with pine starters.
I only had the chojubai 3-4 weeks and it is puttin on the growth and will only get faster.I will try cuttings tonight of the red and whites I have.
Pine startes get mono amonium phosphate and minimal nitrogen the first 3-4 weeks after pottings .Then they get massive roots first before pumping growth.Always roots first with starters...makes much more vigorous.About 1/16tsp per gallon will turn your nutrient into a starter fertilizer.If too much nitrogen they will grow spindly in these early stages.
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Sorry if I missed the post, but did you ever take those chojubai cuttings? If so, protocol & success rate? Pictured plant looked healthy, oddly red though. Imagine thats a result of one of the parameters you manipulate
Sorry if I missed the post, but did you ever take those chojubai cuttings? If so, protocol & success rate? Pictured plant looked healthy, oddly red though. Imagine thats a result of one of the parameters you manipulate
Just full of energy from the co2........
No,I gave up on chojubai for the 2nd time now??
Honestly I would have more fun sewing chaenomeles from seed and seeing the variability.....may find a chojubai,huh!!
Anyway could always select more dwarf genetics from a large flat of seedlings......that would be incredibaly interesting......maybe when usda gets out of the covid lokdown I can ship legal different species.
Could make seedling cuttings like pine then.I do have a flat of zelkova and coreana hornbeam,hinoki and cryptomeria headed that way now for testing results......cryptomeria made outstanding seedling cuttings .....zelkova up next in about 2 weeks!!!
Just full of energy from the co2........
No,I gave up on chojubai for the 2nd time now??
Honestly I would have more fun sewing chaenomeles from seed and seeing the variability.....may find a chojubai,huh!!
Anyway could always select more dwarf genetics from a large flat of seedlings......that would be incredibaly interesting......maybe when usda gets out of the covid lokdown I can ship legal different species.
Could make seedling cuttings like pine then.I do have a flat of zelkova and coreana hornbeam,hinoki and cryptomeria headed that way now for testing results......cryptomeria made outstanding seedling cuttings .....zelkova up next in about 2 weeks!!!
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I like the seedling idea, they seem to be particularly diverse from seed. What was the reasoning for giving up the chojubai? Most of what ive read on here has said they're fairly easy to root from cutting. Hoping to take some next year from two I have coming in the mail. Those cryptomeria seedling cuttings are awesome!!
I like the seedling idea, they seem to be particularly diverse from seed. What was the reasoning for giving up the chojubai? Most of what ive read on here has said they're fairly easy to root from cutting. Hoping to take some next year from two I have coming in the mail. Those cryptomeria seedling cuttings are awesome!!
Ran out of room and I was still experimenting.....as I am still really lol
Japanese White Pine update!!!
Will make seedling cuttings.
Two have sprouted in warm stratification,so planted this morning.Glad I caught them......these can be test subjects while rest go into cold stratification in a couple weeks.
Japanese White Pine update!!!
Will make seedling cuttings.
Two have sprouted in warm stratification,so planted this morning.Glad I caught them......these can be test subjects while rest go into cold stratification in a couple weeks.
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Good luck, that almost equals the 3/100 I got this year after 6 weeks cold strat! Think maybe I should have kept them drier in that period. I'm keen to see how the cuttings go👍
Showing off the Growroom!!!

Organized everything last evening and this morning.Added a cold storage refridgerator for rooted cuttings and such......see how it goes.Would certainly make everything easier to store these.

Cryptomeria Japonica growing vigorously!!!

These seem to enjoy slightly less intense light...I moved them off to the side.....could of been a slight deficiency ,not sure.All look great since I upped the calmag on everything.Same age as Mikawa’s and actually surpassing in growth!!!

Mikawa’s lookin’ good!!!

Suprisingly these are not multi clump with root branches as the standard seeds I sew......probably only 30% are clumped at roots with branches...I am seriously co sidering this as a genetic trait really of the Mikawa JBP.
I recieved these seed from Jonas at bonsaitonight.com
He had sourced from a grower in Japan.
If my next crop of standard do the same thing I will remove the Pure UV suppliment light......maybe that effected something?

At any rate they are extremely healthy looking Mikawa seedling cuttings!!!
Some of these look to be future giants,as they are full of immature leaves at this stage ,but are beginning to push mature leaves.Very big ,thick leaves thus far taking in the co2!!!
Will be a great crop for sure.
Branches should soon be poppin’

zelkova seedling cuttings!!!

This is a fun experiment.Feeding motherplant formula at only .22 EC!
Will do so for an extended time and see if thes will halt a bit and thicken slightly to prep for DECIDUOUS SEEDLING CUTTINGS.


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loads of the Mikawa’s


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fulvic acid/kelp 5:2 foliar on the batch of pre-cuttings.

The real secret to a 100% success rate( also a low npk mother fertilizer).
I spray these frequently as they do not burn as easily.......every three days just until I start to see hints on yellowing then I stop.
Really gets the leaves active and they all push incredible roots.
Believe I did four sprays already.......usually about 5 and they are good.


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Zelkova Seedling Cuttings

Hopefully this works.Some will be very multi-branched.Some are quite soft on the top ,but I’m hoping roots within 7 days.
Dip&Grow 10xstrength @5 minute dip.
I do not think I will mist as there is 1/4 inch of water in the tray and also the low domes are great for having higher humidity.
Bottom heat at 78f.
As stated ....I like having the benefit of seedling genetic variability from using seed cuts.Possibly choose good mothers from these........great fun really....lets see how they do.


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Setting up a flowering/bud stage tent!!!!

This will be very helpful to create an Autumn budding cycle on the trees.Will be able to cold store for longer duration and have a natural dormancy with proper budbreak in the grow season.
Perhaps dormant season sales too!!!

Have HLG qb288 V2 rspec 3500 k boards and also an additional HLG 60 suppliment red.
Should just be able to drop the light cycle to 12 hrs and give a bit of pure uv also and these should harden up quite nicely for winter.

I always use 4000k blue enhanced veg boards for the additional blue spectrum photosynthetically enhancing attributes..also stockier growth too.
These hardly make a terminal budset though as you get in Autumn or bud stage.

So enter the red spectrum lighting.The 3500k boards have 16 deep red diodes added to a 3500 k board which is already a general use/flowering board.The deep red diodes enhance this.......and also a red suppliment should get the job done.
This is very exciting,as I can sell stock that is resulted from a proper dormancy and will push the notorious big Spring candles!!!!

Up until now always sold trees with an extended veg season in mind.......which by all means is not a bad thing.......Forestry service does this all the time.
I will enjoy now being able to cold store cuttings in a fridge more efficiently if I can produce some good terminal/Autumn season buds beforhand.

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Improving propogation methodology.......(work in progress).
Also latest batch of cuttings!!!

So in hopes to have less work more play I am trying new ideas with my whole method of propogation.
The first was obviously getting a freezerless fridge for cold storage......impressed thus far.

Now I want to have less transplanting from the get go and have more cuttings per cubic foot in cold storage.
Enter these Proptek Propogation trays!!!!
And also some Rootpouch Thin grade fabric (will hack a few 3gal Rootpouches for this purpose).
The trays are great with 1.34” plugs that are minmum probably to sustain a cutting either from the getgo (after 100% success in practically guaranteed) or to be able to transplant a freshly rooted cutting into (what I will do at first).

The fascinating bit is I will line the plug holes in the tray with a bit of Thin Black Grade Rootpouch fabric.That way will get a tiny 1.3” compact rootball on a 3mnth old seedling cutting.
I will then proceed to initiate a Winter budset from the budding tent with all the red spectrum lighting and shorter light cycle (in the mail as I write this) to then be able to cold store in a frozen dormancy for an extended duration.And have lots of stored cuttings in the fridge for later growing on.I would essentially be able to store over 1000 cuttings with this technique!!!

Another good idea is I can chop these Proptek inserts to any size that may arise.I have found the most versatility in the 9”x6.5” seed trays....with and without holes. Perfect size and also can work on a smaller fraction at a time without disturbing an entire flat...just chop the Proptek’s to fit these small seed trays I use.

When I am up to snuff and can guarantee 100% succes rates,I will root the cuttings in these already Rootpouch lined Proptek inserts.....so there will be no uprooting whatsoever and will just grow a dense root all from the start of striking the seedling cutting!!!!! and just grow on a couple mnths,induce a proper dormancy and then cold store.Can induce dormancy at any time I wish essentially.

I am confident this can be done.......I have read Forestry Service papers stating that even without an Autumn terminal bud that pines will store for up to 8 weeks at 36F.
An Autumn terminal bud will allow deeper freeze and proper bud break in Spring........with the notorious huge candles of a healthy JBP!!!

So ready to set up my budding tent in a couple weeks.

Suprising the size a plant you can grow hydroponically in a small self pruning state.I have seen 12’ tall peppers in just a small block of Rockwool.

These Rootpouch create just that very same condition of very densly branched root tips,very close to the trunk and actually do a fine job of supporting a rather large start to a plant.

Just look at my most recent JBP seedling cutting.....trunk is over 1” around in just a Pint size pouch that is barely 3”........
So a young 2-3 mnth old cutting will be fine with a 1.3” rootball......so excited for this!!!
*** keep in mind the Rootpouch do not airprune...they self prune inside the pouch.....paramount to success really***
Wish me luck


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hlg is a good company. i really like the linear strip set up from plc, though.
if you're a diy type of guy, you can save a few bucks.
Thanks for the link...seems meanwell drivers and samsung led’s are the mainstay in custom settups😃
Will definately look into this....and sure there will be a day where I try them out for myself!
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