It's relevant because the American voters had two bad options appointed for them by political parties. It's an oligarchy that pretends to be democratic. It's hard to say exactly what percentage, but I do know that many Trump voters were really just voting against another "Weekend at Biden's."
The US being a republic has nothing to do with the first past the post system that enforces a two party system. Or two candidates for a presidential election. France is a Republic, with an elected president, and they have two-round system.
In fact, half the world has a non-first past the post system to directly elect a head of state (though probably half by surface).
As for having to pick between two evils, you know now how much of a lie of the mainstream media that was. Biden quietly tried to make small improvements, through bipartisan support.
Trump breaks all norms, creates a new diplomatic crisis every other day. Trump likely will commit several new crimes before he leaves office. You can argue that Nixon committed crimes, but besides him, no US president has ever committed crimes like Trump has. And I don't see how Biden was being controlled by the super-billionaires during his term. Quite the contrary.
And what Elon Musk has been doing has been happening at such a fast pace, even historical experts on how democracies end are surprised by the speed.
Authoritarians usually need years to dismantle institutions.
How many people had to leave this site under Biden? If Harris had been elected, penumbra wouldn't be are saying what they are saying now.
Instead, everyone here on this site could come together. Rather than try to nitpick me for confusing a republic for a democracy. Or by saying Harris would have been equally bad.