Between the oceans and green plants, atmospheric CO2 remains at a remarkably stable level.
What's your source? Fox News? Oh, All right.
It's a very simplistic vision of how things work.
O2 can become O3, C can become CO2, etc.
Less CO2 in the sea and more CO2 in the air, OK, that's the same level of CO2. OK, evolution may go backwards too : but if you regress to fish because there's too much CO2 in the atmosphere, you'll find there's more CO2 in the water. Both are deadly, aren't they?
So what you're saying makes no sense. It's ideology, not a valid argument, not science.
It's almost as is some vast intelligence designed everything ;-).
If that's what you
think, sorry, believe...
To me it is pretty obvious that if "some vast intelligence designed everything", this "Vast Intelligence" has a mean sense of humour, or they was totally pissed.
It's that kind of "arguments" that definitely turned me away from all forms of religion.
Now I don't believe any longer that our world was created in 6 days some 6,000 years ago, nor that Adam and Eve joyfully rode dinosaurs when going to buy semi-automatics and ammos at the local w*lm*rt
I realised early that this was all nice stories that cavemen and cavewomen invented to feel safer, and to explain what science ouldn't decypher at a time when people had hardly discovered how to make metal tools.
I mean, I don't mind people believing in whatever "vast intelligence" they like, it's a good crutch when someone you love dies, but basing a reflexion on apocryph texts transmitted orally before the invention of the wheel, and then written much, much later by several "scribes", writing down what "priests" would tell them seems to me very weak, very feeble.
It's a bit like the "gun debate" : when there's no one else to kill, kill yurself? Actually, it's the same kind of logic. Praise Jim Jones, he was a prophet, collective suicide is redemption!
"Vast intelligence"...
And if we started by "
Common sense"?...