Climate change

Religion is not a fact, it's a believe.
Religion Is a fact. There are literally hundreds of thousands, millions of people practicing religion on a daily basis. The difference is the belief in God. Either you believe or you don’t. Even not believing is a religion. It’s called being an Atheist, and that religion seems to be breaking records in growing. A neat correlation, most climate freaks tend to be Atheists. Now that’s worth thinking about....
Wasn't he banned you YT or thrown in jail?
For saying that a school shooting was staged to go after everyone's right to have guns.
He also said the Holocaust never happened.
And that climate change is a hoax.
First understand it for what it is. What is the correct temperature for the earth? Or the correct range? What do variations, which have going on for millennia or billions of years, do to the planet? And perhaps most critically at this juncture, why can't computer models showing purported accurate fractional changes in planetary temperatures 100 years from now predict with fractional accuracy the temperature anywhere and everywhere next week? Anyone familiar with the concept of extrapolation should understand the difficulty posed by that question, and more importantly the absurdity of believing it can be done.

Of course, being granted life and death power over everyone is the wet dream of the power-mad. Maybe that's the key.
That my friend is the correct answer. Funny; those who are the least prone to accept this kind of tyranny are at the vanguard of trying to implement a futile, and fruitless solution.
I don't think it hurts anything or anyone to try and use less oil. To try and use wind energy or solar panels for energy. I think trying to reduce pollution is a great thing. Reduce, reuse, recycle- not a bad thing. If it by chance helps the rock we live on- keeps a river clean- then why not do it???? I'm a big fan of living on the earth :)
0.04 percent

The Earth's atmosphere is 78 percent nitrogen, 21 percent oxygen and 1 percent other gases, including about 0.04 percent carbon dioxide. And yes, Earth's CO2 concentration stood at 400 parts per million in May 2015.Jul 9, 2015

I wonder what this percent was in 1980 or 1970 or even your 1910 article. If it was say 0.01% then I would be a little worried about the causal effects of fossil fuels.
I don't think it hurts anything or anyone to try and use less oil. To try and use wind energy or solar panels for energy. I think trying to reduce pollution is a great thing. Reduce, reuse, recycle- not a bad thing. If it by chance helps the rock we live on- keeps a river clean- then why not do it???? I'm a big fan of living on the earth :)

I agree a hundred percent with everything you say here. I too, do all the things you mention, and in my work too. I think what most people get crazy about is industry not personal use.

The Earth's atmosphere is 78 percent nitrogen.
No wonder I laugh so much
If you don't 'believe' in science there is nothing I can do for you. Science is true whether you believe in it or not. Blogs are not science.

"Science" is only true IF it is performed without a pre determined bias and result already determined or sought out. MANY statistics can be found that upon closer honest examination have been cherry picked to give a pre determined (likely paid for)conclusion. This when combined with copying/quoting others"studies" adds up to a so called 97% of "scientists" that all agree it is a "proven" fact:rolleyes:o_O! It's everywhere, It's EVERYWHERE:rolleyes:!
I call BS on that assertion. So-called climate science has been around for at least 50 years. Show us the models from say 1980 or thereabouts, from non-government funded scientists, correlating today's CO2 levels with accurate temperature predictions. Somebody must have that answer. They were telling us then that a new ice age was coming. Then they told us excessive heat. When the fraud was discovered they changed the name to climate change, so whatever happens humans get blamed and we get to redistribute wealth from producers to parasites. Those who manage this noble undertaking will be our Marxist friends, of course. The bloodshed will be spectacular. And that, in a nutshell, is the purpose of climate science.

On the nailhead:cool:!
Michael now cat. 4 hurricane, from cat. 2 in 24 hours and no mention on the forum. Please do not try to find any link with this topic, no intention. I simply didn't want to make a new thread.

Keep safe, all.
I think what most people get crazy about is industry
I think that's why people get upset because as individuals we try to do the right thing. Industries can make the biggest impact but may not try as hard to reduce emissions, dumping or whatever. Oil is big business and they don't want to lose their cut.
Oil industries have the most to lose by switching to cleaner energy. Having said that there will always be a market for oil. We won't just stop needing it. It would be ok with me if we did though.
All I know, is that I was counting on autumn to stratify my seeds.. And now I'm dealing with premature germination. Those plants will die in the first frost.
It's t-shirt weather right now.
I don't think it hurts anything or anyone to try and use less oil. To try and use wind energy or solar panels for energy. I think trying to reduce pollution is a great thing. Reduce, reuse, recycle- not a bad thing. If it by chance helps the rock we live on- keeps a river clean- then why not do it???? I'm a big fan of living on the earth :)
I have never said that we should not look for and develop alternatives, I do however; object strongly to mandating that we do this or we do that and to hell with everything that does not fit that model. Instead of doing what's right we establish a tyranny to implement our political agenda. Then when someone comes up with reasonable evidence to the contrary we pillory that individual instead of discussing the issue reasonably.
I'm not sure why you need predictions from the 1980s to prove it to yourself, although I'm guessing that they do exist. I can do better though and give you this article from 1912. It summarises the threat of man made climate change brilliantly. The only error is that it took a lot less than a few centuries to take effect.
We've come a long way since i was a kid. At that time, every apartment building i nyc had an incinerator where the bld superintendant (we call them "supers") burned all the garbage. So imagine 10 million people's worth of trash spewing into the air every day.

I'm not sure I believe chicken little's cries that the sky is falling. If anything, China needs to step up to the plate. From what I understand, pollution is so bad there you have to wear a mask.

I would consider America to be a leader in pollution control measures.

Can't one of you guys develop a clean, sustainable, cheap source of energy? There must be someone smart out there! ?
I have never said that we should not look for and develop alternatives, I do however; object strongly to mandating that we do this or we do that and to hell with everything that does not fit that model. Instead of doing what's right we establish a tyranny to implement our political agenda. Then when someone comes up with reasonable evidence to the contrary we pillory that individual instead of discussing the issue reasonably.
Amen brother
when i see the amount or scepticism about the reality of global warming or even that some consider it as some political conspiracy, while it's a scientifically established and observable fact, there is indeed matter to worry, when the real issue is whether we will be able to limit warming or wil let it run into an impossible to control snowball effect of accelerated warming that will lead to a disaster far beyond a problem of "wealth repartition between producers and parasites" but a matter of survival for a large part of humanity. Oil? wil bea very superficial preoccupation against availabilty livable space, food and water, in a world with a few more degrees and 2-3 billions additional humans....
Global warming is not a scientifically established fact, it is a speculative conclusion based on computer models programmed by government funded ideologues seeking power. Theirs is an untestable hypothesis, I.e., in 100 years the earth's temperature will rise 1 degree Celsius. Complete BS. But give us total power over your life, reduce your standard of living while we jet around the world to conferences where we congratulate ourselves on being superior beings and eat Kobe beef. Amazing that anyone with an IQ above room temperature would fall for this, but I guess our "educational" system has done its job.
his job in brainwashing you indeed. One degree? you are far from the truth if we are going on like this. And given it's decades scientists are warning us, and still nothing is really done to change things, it seems to be quite an unsuccesful strategy to gain power.... scientist don't have any power, of we will not be in the trouble we are already now...
his job in brainwashing you indeed. One degree? you are far from the truth if we are going on like this. And given it's decades scientists are warning us, and still nothing is really done to change things, it seems to be quite an unsuccesful strategy to gain power.... scientist don't have any power, of we will not be in the trouble we are already now...
They only have power if we give it to them, or more precisely surrender it to them. Remember; figures don't lie but liars can figure. One prominant climatologist predicted that the world would become un-liveable in 1982----------???
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