Boxwood design ideas?

I would not get rid of that branch. I would encourage some interior growth on that branch so I could cut back to the new growth, and then train it in a less straight line, if I could not bend it into something a little more interesting. Nice job, it's looking good.
Thanks! That sounds like a good idea. Definitely needs interior growth. I did get some last summer since I opened it up. Don't think I fed it as much as it needed. So I'm going to feed it strong this summer. Also really looking forward to the Mid Atlantic Festival! Hoping to get some new things! Pre bonsai stock or something. Funds are we'll see. Never been to one. Pretty excited.
Yes, they are hungry little dudes, feed them well, and you'll get great new growth after a cutback like you did.
Keep updating!
Think I got some winter burn...

My boxwood was put outside from winter protection. Also moved to new bench area. Has been outside for a couple of weeks now. Temps did fall to mid 30's at night and where it's at get a lot more sun then it's used to until leaves on landscape begin to leaf out. Also it's been windy the last week or more. And the more I read this I think I'm answering my question's! As you can see in the pics the leaves aren't looking that good on a decent amount of the tree. I guess drying winds/ more sun that it needs/ and some low temps has caused this? What do you think?


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Also, today I moved it into porch that was winterized. Still letting indirect light to reach it but no winds either. Hopefully that will improve things!
Was it watered during winter? Leaves look like they dried. Was it like this when you brought them out? Or just recently?
I don't think so. No I would have noticed. It is putting out new growth. Some but it just started getting warmer. My yard backs up to the local high school, wide open so gets pretty windy.
Sorry but I am not sure which question you are answering with what.

IF I understood it correctly, you did not water this over winter. That could be the culprit. This is a broad leaf evergreen...need to be watered and fed through winter. Need light too (though maybe you can get away w/o if it is in hibernation?).
I did water over winter, kept end it in a unheated shed. Watered just too keep it moist but not soggy. I'm thinking drying winds and cold night may be the problem. Also didn't feed through winter because it was dormant.
A pic of new growth and some flower buds. Witch I think you pinch off . If I'm correct to keep the tree from directing energy to the flower?


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Yeah, I remove those flowers as fast as possible. Was it you who like to keep them?
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