@sorce are you recommending to let it grow out before making additional design decisions?
Sort of.
I feel like cut one may have given you the backbudding you needed.
But cut 2 may have taken away the energy necessary for those buds to actually pop.
So going back harder now, may be the right option.
In the beginning, I was hung up on proportions of segments. This is a too oft overlooked important piece of bonsai.
Nebari first, trunk next, then inherently, trunk segment proportions.
This one is odd In that department. And no one above considered it at all. When it is fundamentally the next concern.
We needed them other angles sure.
The blue white blue on the right is properly proportioned. The left is actual.
The different angles show you can give the illusion of this being appropriate, which opens up a lot of possibility.
I'd probly make these red cuts now, all of em, and remove them buds low too.
And look to make the green branches from what exists and can possibly exist in the future.
These develop faster without sacrifice chunks above.
Of course starting with good material is paramount, I think you still have that.
Basically, it's a fools errand to grow a boxwood out. The wise keep looking for a better starting piece.