Blue Atlas Cedar rehab - Inherited tree

It depends on the style of pad formation. As long as the light and air can circulate freely the long term health and appearance of the pad will stand up. It will make a difference if the foliage is shaded. Density from the side profile is most important in either the layered pad or platform pad. Note how it is very important for light and air to maintain the health and longevity of the design. Be careful to avoid congestion and too much density, the result of this will be continual internal dieback and the need to grow out and cutback way too often. Better to lean toward a lighter composition with openness from below and above. Also sufficient distance between branches to avoid too much shading of lower pads. A good design is one that promotes healthy foliage.
Just a few comments to clarify. The diagrams clearly depict the openness one should strive for.
That makes perfect sense, I see
The BAC you mentioned has since changed quite a bit by the hands of Ryan.

Almost didn’t recognize that image! This tree has grown a lot and is much more filled in. The restyling was quite a few years ago. Looked this after being repotted last year.


DSD sends
Almost didn’t recognize that image! This tree has grown a lot and is much more filled in. The restyling was quite a few years ago. Looked this after being repotted last year.

View attachment 555563

DSD sends
That is absolutely fantastic the way it has matured from that drastic styling a few years ago.

It’s a testament to the sustainability of the way it was initially styled.
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