Don't bother Anthony.
Them Boon boys get to start with excellent material. They're not digging through nurseries or working with too many native plants either.
They just buy their bonsai.
Clip a little here,wire a little there and Viola! Badass 100 year old plus tree ready to show.
You and K build them from sctatch. Something they know nothing of.
2 very different approaches.
Uh, Mike, your isolation up there in Michigan is causing you to make false assumptions just as Anthony does. Am I correct with my notion that pretty much the only bonsai you have ever seen, other than your own, have been at Vance’s Club Show?
As for Boon starting material, the first thing you see when you go to Boon’s garden is his raised beds where he is growing out pines, Junipers, chojubai, quince and all manners of different trees.
Long before I started posting here, another Boon student, Eric Schroeder, created a thread here entitled “some pine seeds, 6 years later”. I encourage you, and anyone doing the JBP seed growing contest to read it.
There are many ways to practice bonsai. I, personally, don’t care to grow from seed, just not my thing. There is one lady in Boon’s club, Barbara, who has trees she started when she was 10 years old. She is in her mid 90’s now! She has had those trees over 80 years! Much respect! She also starts seeds every year! Even at 90 years old!
So your assumptions of what Boon does and what he teaches and how his students practice bonsai are just figments of your imagination. You don’t know. And what is worse is you think you do.
Your impression of how Boon operates come primarily from my writings here. So you get to see how and what he teaches me. Thru my eyes. I have preferences for pines, so that’s what I work on mostly. He doesn’t force me to work on, say, hinoki cypress if I don’t want to. Or tropicals. He has a greenhouse full of tropicals! I’ll step in there, and look, and they’re good tropicals, but I can just tell him “no thanks”, and we ignore them.
Maybe I totally misunderstood the point of this thread! Mike your comments about Boon students is totally false, and you are “parroting” false news.
Perhaps Smoke had a point after all.