Anyone Ever Use This? Good? Bad?...better than my sister in-law?

a picture of the sister in law
We need all the data before a consensus can be reached.....just sayin'....:cool::cool::p:D:D:D:D:D:D

a covert pic...
....the soil blaster...

You should have told her how pretty she looked today. She would have smiled and the picture would be sweeter. As is, her look say's, (and I know it well;)) "Uggh, tree nerd won't let it go!!:(:rolleyes::rolleyes::D:D

And the pic wasn't so covert...the flash went off, and she caught me....

I hear the FBI is hiring......:confused::confused::mad::mad::mad::mad::D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Good luck with your trees!!:cool::cool::):):D:D:D:D:D
So I ended up NOT using the drippers and mini sprayers, and opted for 3 of these.
Here's on in action....
I was surprised at the amount of water scale on the leaves after less than a week of this kind of watering....
And I was over-watering to be on the safe side.
It worked! They all lived!
Any safe way to remove water scale from leaves???
I was thinking about a gentle wipe down with some diluted phosphoric acid/citric acid mix (aka ice machine cleaner).
I might try it on a few leaves and see what happens.
Any safe way to remove water scale from leaves???

I would try a mild water/vinegar solution 3 to 1. Gently wipe them down with a washcloth or similar. After we have that Summer hot spell I find myself doing that because it is the only time the leafs get hose water.

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