That linden is in-ground grown. It was brought to Mirai in a 25 or 35 gallon container when removed from the ground according to Ryan. I think he said that he had it for 2-3 years now since acquired and moved into the blue pot. So, not your typical nursery grown tree as you can see by the branching and ramification. Below is a pic before the initial work was performed in the APR 2020 stream. Since then the tree has been worked twice, in fall 2020, and fall 2021.
There were 3 trees from that batch,
@MACH5 Sergio has one of them, I know he won't say how much he paid for his, but he could give you a ballpark of what to expect.
View attachment 453252
I still can't understand why people b"complain"h so much about Ryan's prices, or any other bonsai artists. You are not paying for a tree dug out of the field, you are paying for 6 years of maintenance, including 3 - 2+ hours of detailed work done, documented in the videos for you to study when you decide to work on them.
This kind of trees is not something that a beginner wants to buy, unless he has the dough to leave it at Mirai or another reputable nursery to be taken care of. There will be plenty of people willing to pay the prices he posts if the tree appeal to them and they have the financial needs.
To put this in perspective, check the price of this tree when it becomes for sale, then go to wigerts, bonsai outlet or any other website and check the price of comparable trees. I did that last year, and Mirai's prices were up to par with the market.