I have never done the side by side comparison but this is how I see it. I went to the Home Depot and can buy several gauges of single strand for less than $.50 a foot (I really don't remember how much it was the last time I bought it.) You go in the garage and cautiously strip it with a razor blade. Then follow the suggestions for heating it. I did a small amount over a little fire in the back yard pit. Very inconsistent wire but what did get red was very soft and workable. If I could get it consistent it would be perfectly comfortable to work with. I have not done much wiring but feel this wire performed exactly as I would expect. I've never paid shop prices, I've never had to buy a certain amount because that was what was offered, I've never paid to ship metal I could buy locally. But I am a DIYer. If I was not willing to do this I would then stick to the reputed vendors as you have chosen.